
I have a rat and I need to know how to get rid of it. I have heard of everything but....?

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I have two dogs and two cats and I would wonder about poison hurting or maybe killing our pets. I heard about coke killing them but, I do not think that really works. I have tried peanut butter on snap traps but they don't work either. It has been a week and I cannot take it anymore. Please help me. Thanks.




  1. I am just going to go ahead and assume you're talking about a wild, feral rat rather than a pet rat.

        Coke doesn't kill them: I feed my pet rat coke all the time. He loves it.

        Humane mouse and rat traps are the safest way to go. Make sure that there is no loose food available in your house (that includes dog food and cat food- rats are resourceful) so that the rat will be tempted by the bait. A snap trap would need to be very large to kill a rat (as they are much bigger than typical rodent infestation types), and at that large, it could be a danger to your cats or dogs as well.

         We have poison at my house for the mice, and the cat has never looked twice at it, although I can't speak for dogs since they are far inferior to cats.

  2. Humane trap, place it in the room where you often spot it or it leaves signs. If you have one rat you more likely have at least 10 coming and going. DO NOT poison your rat, if the rat eats the poison it may run back into the walls and die thus causing severe smell problems. Also poison is very painful and inhumane. If you ever catch it inside do the gumboot (wellington, gallosh) trick, use a rubber gallosh or gumboot and line it up against the wall then scare the rat from the other side, it will run along the wall and dive into the safety of the dark boot. close the top of the boot and take it to a local park ad release it.

  3. I had a rat not long ago (I think its still in my house)

    It ate my soap :|!

    But I just cleared all food from benches, made sure there was nothing food like just laying around and I havent seen it since, but i think i still hear it running around in the roof. But i'll live xP

  4. Bet some Boric Acid, it's a powder and put it where the rat is hanging out.....You can buy it at the grocery store and dollar stores. It's used for many things!

    Hope that helps.

  5. I would call my local exterminator if you have one.

  6. Use a humane trap and relocate the rat to the countryside.

  7. First, figure out how the rat is entering your home.  Are there branches leading to the attic?  Are there holes in the walls?  Is there a hole in your screen door?  Figure out how they are getting in.  When you find holes, seal them with wire mesh.  This keeps them from coming and going.

    Next, eliminate possible water and food sources in your home.  The more desperate the rats are for food and water, the more likely they are to be trapped. Put the lid on toilets, keep faucets from dripping and don't leave dirty dishes!  Try to make pet-food and water less accessable to rats.  Don't leave petfood out overnight (leave the water of course!).  keep the pet dishes away from places where it is easy for a rat to hide.  

    I personally would set live traps, such as the small hav-a-hart traps.  Peantbutter is a good bait to use.  Remember that no live trap is humane if left unchecked.  Check it frequently, at least twice a day.  

    If you have to use killtraps, stick with snap-traps left in areas offlimits to your pets.  These kill cleanly and humanely.  Do not use gluetraps, they are inhumane and the animal will suffer.  

    When you catch them, release them outside as far as you can.  By barring the entries in the first step they should not return.

  8. Try the snap trap one more time, only squish a piece of cheese on the bait side, so he has to actually work to get it causing the trap to spring.  Then spread a little bit of peanut butter over the cheese.  This is what works for the field mice I get every winter.

    Poison can be used, however it should be kept in the back of a cabinet or up on a counter if you have pets.

    Good Luck!

  9. you are an completer idiot trying to ill an inocent pet. you can  be arrested for killing your dogs and cats. if you dont want htem anymore then take them to a shelter! you are so dumb! animal abuser!

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