
I have a rat and my a/c broke?

by  |  earlier

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i live in california and the temps here can get as high as the hasnt been bad latly but with the fires that have caused all smoke it humid and hot. how can i keep my cool enough so she wont get sick from the heat?




  1. maybe you can put an ice bag under the tank

  2. some rats dont like getting wet lol.

    all the suggestions people have put are great  but just make sure youdo not force your rat to be cool or force her into cold water she could go into shock.

    on hot days i used to get my rats out and give them frozen blueberrys or raspberrys as most of mine didnt like veggies. i also made them "ice cream" useing soy milk and freezing it but only sparingly too much will give them a tummy ache. sometimes itook a cakepanand half filled it with lukewarm water and would throw in pumpkin seeds and soy nuts they were reluctant to go after them at first but soon foundplaying in the water fun.

  3. Put an empty jar in the freezer so it gets cold see if it will lay i it

  4. Definitely DO NOT put a frozen water bottle under your rats cage for too long, she may freeze. The best thing do is always make sure your rat has plenty of water (change the water often as it heats up easily in this kind of weather) and feed her things like cold watermelon and cucumber that have water in it. Also use a fan as long as its not blowing directly on your rat. A good idea at this point would be to GET YOUR YOUR AIR CON FIXED! Good luck!

  5. Try making her a "bean bag". Take an old pillow case or wash cloth, cut it in squares, sew up the sides, put in dry beans/rice, and sew it the rest of the way up. You can put it in the freezer and help keep her cool and microwave it to help keep her warm. But it sounds like you don't really need to worry about the latter with where you live :) lol. You can also take her out of the cage and let her "fish". Take a frozen bag of corn or peas (depending on preference), put the veggies in a bowl, let it thaw, and voila! She can go veggie fishing. This will be a fun treat and help her cool off as well. Also you can just let her play in the bath tub with about an inch of water in it.

  6. You can give her a frozen treat, like a frozen pea of broccoli. I don't have A/C either and I keep the windows closed, blinds closed during days where it gets over 100. Depending on the size of her cage you can place a frozen water bottle inside her cage. That way if she feels hot she has something cold to lie on.

  7. get a small fan and cool the room down some. don't blow it directly on her unless it's on the lowest setting and far enough away that it's not like a whirlwind. maybe everyone once in awhile if she seems to be getting too hot still give her a rinsing in lukewarm water, not cold! dry her off well and put her back near the fan. but anyone without AC and small critters should invest in fans, they work wonders!

    edit: also, what kind of cage is it? if it's a tank then i strongly suggest getting a proper wire cage because they have Much Better ventilation =)

    edit 2: i'd remove the ice if she won't use them, as they're probably Too cold and she's smarter than you might think. i'd still get a fan and clip her nails. some of mine don't like the water but still get baths every once in awhile regardless. i just put them in the sink and don't try to hold them so much, since they will dig in with nails. but the cooling in lukewarm water is a last resort, so purchasing a fan would be easier

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