
I have a rat cage but the wiring is too space apart, whats the most cheapest wya to fix this?

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I have a rat cage but the wiring is too space apart, whats the most cheapest wya to fix this?




  1. i dont really know a way but you could bring it to an engineer or something and ask them to fix it if you know any close engineers or you could just buy another cage

  2. You can go to the hardware store, like Lowe's or Home Depot, and get some stuff called hardware cloth. The spacing on that stuff can be very small, like 1/4 inch by 1/4 inch. Perfect for rats.

    Try go get some that is plastic-coated if you can. It wont rust nearly as fast.

    Don't use chicken wire, lol. The spacing in chicken wire is big enough for ferrets to escape through.

    Then you can get some wire clippers and cut large pieces that match the walls of your cage. Make sure to snip off any sharp/pokey bits.

    Then you can just use zip ties/cable ties to attach them to the side of the cage. Make sure you do the doors too.

    This takes time and can be expensive. It might be easier to just get another cage. But there are some very very nice ferret cages, such as the Ferret Nation cage by Midwest, that is worth the trouble.

    Here is a link to the Rats Rule forum and a big thread on how they rewired the Ferret Nation cage. It should give you an idea of how to rewire whatever cage you have:

  3. this isn't quite going to be what you want to hear, but in the long run, the cheapest thing to do is get another cage. There may be things out there you can put on the bars, but in most cases it'll probably be made of plastic or rubber if anything... which your rat will eventually chew through.

    Rather than spend (???$$$) on fixing this cage every 2 weeks or so, I'd go ahead and spend the $40 on a new cage that your rats won't be able to escape from.

  4. go to your local hardware store and get a roll of utility screen and some cage clips and cut it to size and clip it to the outside of the cage.. easyest thing i can recommend.. I used the utility cloth with 1/2" openings and actualy made a cage with it using the cage clips.. from Ace Hardware..

  5. depending on how many rats you got, just get a decent sized aquarium, completely rat escape proof. no holes, no chance!!!

  6. I got a huge birdcage for free, and even my largest rats could squeeze thru the bars, so I bought a large roll of hardware cloth from HD, which cost about $30. It took me 3 days and several cuts, scrapes, and pokes, but I covered the entire interior of the cage with sheets of the stuff, and completely ratproofed it. I used wire to secure the sheets, and made sure that the ends were completely trimmed under and turned in so they couldn't hurt themselves. They are the happiest rats I have ever seen now, with multiple levels, a huge p**p area, hammocks, boxes, bowls, water bottles, and tubes to play in. They have so much fun, and there is enough room that they don't have to spend so much time out of their cage now for exercise. If I had bought this cage new, it would have cost about $300 or more.

  7. you get chicken wire i think. or some other sheet type metal with closer spaced bars, but for all that you could also make and/or buy a new cage =)

  8. Please get a new cage. This is going to be cheapest and less time-consuming in the long run. And do NOT get an aquarim!!!!!!! They don't provide enough venilation!!!!!!

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