
I have a real problem with confidence. My m8s r jumpin n i feel left out. The hypnosis duznt work either help?

by  |  earlier

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I have a real problem with confidence. I am scared i will fall off or something. I have tried the hypnosis and none of it seems to work. I really want to do some jumping and pony club with my pony but i don't have the confidence even to hack! He isnt getting exercised and i fell really bad. All my friends are doing pony club and jumping and i fell really left out. I hadn't used to be like this. I was jumping 2ft 3 and cantering with my arms out to the side at one point. I really want to get back to being that girl again. Please help me!




  1. Well, some tips I can give you for sure are that if you arent confident with yourself, the horse may buck you. Horses can sence when you are nervous and most need a firm handler, so they tend to buck or rear. They are not trying to upset you, they are teaching you. If you are more afraid they will just do it again. Always remember that. If you feel left out, then maybe you need a trainer. They can help you re-gain your confidence. A good way to get some confidence is also to just do groundwork. Lead your pony each day until you feel you are safe enough to get in the saddle again. If your pony isn't in good shape, you should have one of your friends exercise it at least 2 times a week. Ask your friends for tips. You will be really surprised how much you can do when you know it. Trust me, there have been a lot worse falls. Maybe one day you can be a jockey, like me, if you feel comfortable enough. Hope this helps! -Lauren

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