
I have a really bad crick in the neck. What should I do?

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Man, it hurts so bad.




  1. i have one too =[

    just woke up with it..

    use to get them all the time. it'll go away soon.

    so far, i heard icing it is good.

    good luck! :]

  2. ice it and rest duh

  3. Take a hot bath and put on soothing music. Try not to stand as you would normally do and visit a chiropractor  

  4. The etiologies of neck pain are varied.  Chiropractic is an option, albeit not one without financial attachment.  Absent any actual trauma (car accident, falling down, etc), your lifestyle (stress) and sleeping habits are subtle, but common contributors to neck pain.  Get a cervical pillow if you can, to help alleviate stress on the cervical spine while sleeping (does cost money).

    If your looking for home remedies, then I suggest the following:

    1.  Apply heat within the first 72 hours of the pain

    2.  Stop heat, and apply ice every 15 minutes for the next 2-3 days.

    3.  Alternate ice and heat thereafter.

    4.  Look for ways to reduce stress.

    5.  Don't sleep on your stomach (many people do but it diminishes the natural curve of the cervical spine resulting in the infamous "military neck")

    6.  Stop tilting your neck up every time a leaf falls from a tree branch (I know you're hungry).

    7.  Stop letting me roll you down the mountain.


  5. Its just a nerve, it will go away in a day, just continue to move your head it will actually get rid of it faster.

  6. Take some aspirin then go to the chiropractor. I had the same problem the other day and he made my neck feel so much better!

  7. Take a hot bath to soothe the muscles, then wait it out.  Take an ibuprofin.

    Neck pain is almost always caused by back pain.  A "crick in the neck" is more often than not caused by a tensing of the muscles in your shoulder blades.  When your shoulders hurt, it travels up your neck and that's where it FEELS like the pain is coming from...  which makes you rub your neck.  Rubbing your neck is pointless.  You need to get someone to rub your shoulders and in between your shoulder blades.  However, be careful of someone who doesn't know what they're doing.  Amateurs can make it much worse.

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