
I have a really hard time serving overhand in volleyball. Any tips?

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I have a really hard time serving overhand in volleyball. Any tips?




  1. You need to hit the ball at its highest point then hit it with your whole body.  Don't only use your arm use your back and legs too.  Follow through and drag you foot and use all your back strength and you should end a little doubled over.  I really hope this helps (I had trouble at first too) other than this all you really need to do is try to increase your arm strength.  Good Luck!

  2. Have a good overhand server watch your overhand service. Be ready for tips and advice on your technique.  Practice makes perfect.

  3. Put the ball on the floor and hold it with one hand (your non-serving hand) and then practice hitting it while keeping your palms open wide, fingers out stretched. try and focus on hitting it straight on everytime. then try hitting the ball down on to the floor and catching it using the same method. really focus on hitting it straight on everytime. Lastly, just do what "Dan_Ye" said to do....KEEP PRACTICING!

  4. Try serving from the 10-ft line, and move back 5-ft after every ten good serves till you reach the end line.

    Keep practicing everyday, and you will be good within a week.

  5. dont hit your fingers, hit more down

  6. yeah try under hand

  7. ive been having trouble and ive just been able to get it over pretty consistently....idk wat u guys do but we do th bow and arrow form where u hold it out in ur non serving hand, bring ur serving arm back lik an arrow and keep the shape of the ball (more control, for beginners kinda) but make ur hand stiff and spread ur fingers apart.bend ur knees, toss the ball and take a step and swing thru. thats wat my coach sed!

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