
I have a really hard time with my wedges. I carry a 52,56 60. I seem to hit them fat. Help.?

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I have a really hard time with my wedges. I carry a 52,56 60. I seem to hit them fat. Help.?




  1. Main cause of hitting it fat is from having your hands behind the ball at impact. Try to keep your hands AHEAD of the ball at impact to hit pure shots. Also, initiate your downswing with your lower body and not with your arms. Should help a bit. If these tips aren't helping ask a pro for 5 minutes of help, they will most likely get you back on track.

  2. I had the same trouble

    Bring the ball back toward the middle of your stance and allow the club shaft to tilt slightly forward into the stance.

  3. Move the ball back in your stance and hit the ball first pinching it between the club and the ground. Don't try to lift the ball with the club as this will cause the club to slide under the ball resulting in your hitting them fat.

  4. open your stance (left foot back, right foot foward), this way, when you come down to hit with the wedge, your hips are opened already, creating a faster pathway

    you want to keep your weight more on the left side, so when you come down to hit the ball, you dont have to worry about transferring your weight

    look BEHIND the ball. if you look behind the ball, it will make your swing inside-out (which is what you want)

    if you hit them fat, it probably means you are dipping your right shoulder too much during the impact zone.

  5. i use the step over drill,you simpily step over while your just about to hit the ball for more info look at golf digest

  6. Put the ball back in your stance a little bit...

  7. The best tip is very simple! keep weight on your front foot and make sure the ball is in the center or slightly back in your stance. This will ensure downward contact and allow the club to hit the ball not the ground first. Its really easy with the wedges once you get the hang of it playing the ball back promotes your hands ahead of the ball making ball first contact much easier. Your weight should be 60/40 front leg don't over kill this one. Open your stance and play the ball back take more club and make a 3/4 swing.  This is called a punch wedge very effective try it you will never chunk it gain I hope!

  8. the best thing to do is to stand up a bit keep your chin away form your chest more you are probably crouching over the ball .you might start to hit them a little thin which is okay all you do is gradually lower yourself down untill you make the correct contact also make sure your hands are ahead of the ball i see my friends  all the time have there hands behind the ball and try to scoop the ball totally not the way to do it i was a pro for 8 years many years ago but  i am now a 2.4 handicap  .hope my ideas help its tough without seeing you in person to see what you are doing wrong

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