
I have a really hyper dog and i want to get a hamster. Do you think she would eat the hamster?

by  |  earlier

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My dog is 5 months old and i really want a hamster but do you think its a good idea?




  1. if it is a terrior prob not. it is instinctal for terriors to hunt things such as rodents. however i do have a terrior and two rats and i just kept them in the cage when he was around so he could sniff them. he got use the them and now whenever one is out and i am playing w/ it he lays down right at my side =]

  2. you wont be able to keep them in the same room....

    if your dog is aloud upstairs then dont either...

    i have had many aminals and have had 3 killed by my dog...

    (also have had loads not harmed atall)

    i now keep my hamster upstairs in my room with a door handle that clicks when u shut u have 2 turn the handle specifically to open

    also you would need to keep the cage high-ish... (i also recomend a very long tube (from wallpaper? or from wrapping paper) lodged at the back of the chesterdrawers or table...whatever the cage is on... so that if the hammy escapes they can go down the tube and get to the floor....otherwise they will not realise how far it is...dangle...fall..and........

    (has had this happen....thankfully she only broke a few bones...and it healed)

    also remember to shut the door....have a note on your bedroom door maybe ?

    it is difficult and can become annoying.... but it definately can be done... i would know :D

    good luck..x

  3. is your dog a 5month old terrier or dachshund?NO, don't get any rodents!

    if your dog is a 5month old Bernese or golden retriever, labrador, then:maybe you can.Go to the pet store with the puppy,and see how the pup reacts to hamsters.

  4. Just keep the hamster in another room with the door shut.

    Good Luck!

  5. We have a really, extremely hyper boxer pup and a 8 month old kitten and they get along really well.

    I think it'd be fine.

  6. We have three dogs - A Cattle Dog, A terrier mix, and a Lhasa (rescue) and we have never had any problems with our dogs and hamsters over the years. Our terrier was quite young when we got our first hamster - a Syrian Hamster named Speedy. Speedy and Buddy both lived long lives for hamsters.

    However, we have also been very careful with our dogs around every hamster we've ever own. When we used to put Speedy in his ball, the dogs were always safely put in the backyard. The kids never handled the hamsters around the dogs (especially the young terrier - who seemed to get jealous). Our cattle dog, who is the "mother hen" to all the pets never shows any interest in the hamsters and neither does the Lhasa.

    The only dog I worry about is the terrier. So, we are just very conscious of her around our current hamster Poppy. She seems to like to watch her in her cage. (Just watch - we never let her very close).

    I would say if you're just very conscious and aware it should be OK. But, you may want to wait a little bit to get a hamster (has your puppy started puppy training yet?)  

    You know your puppy better than any of us posters and it's really a matter of how you think your puppy will do and if you feel you will be able to give the hamster the security he or she needs. Also, another thing to consider is BOTH animals will need your time and attention (of course the puppy more than the hamster), especially during the first year. Puppies need that attention and structure. Just be conscious of not spreading yourself too thin.

    Good luck with what you decide! =)

  7. I keep my dog (Who is eight years old and still hyper every now and then) away from my Guinea Pig because I am already having trouble with her being too nervous. Do you think that your Dog would attack the Hamster?  

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