
I have a really ugly computer desk...?

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OK, my fiance bought me a computer desk last year for Christmas. He is so proud of it, and I could never have the heart to just get rid of it...but it is u-g-l-y! It is black metal with a glass top...and the apartment is decorated sort of beach-cottage! Is there ANYTHING that I could do to sort of...makeover the desk?




  1. You could decorate it with contact paper in a roll.  It comes in different patterns and some are very pretty.  Karen

  2. Fun question! I would get a film that can be applied to glass that will make it look frosted (sandy looking)- maybe even with a color. See:

    Just remember to put it on the back side of the glass or be very careful not to scratch it. I would suggest searching for a stronger film if you wan't it on top.

    For the black metal - Metal can be repainted. you can give this texture too if you want. I think you may find what you put on the desk will make it fit in the space better. Woven baskets and Sea shells. Get accessories that you love and you will feel better about hanging out at your desk.  Ideas for accessories:


    Design tip: baskets don't all have to match. get creative with what size they need to be to store the basics and have fun with the placement. If your desk doesn't include a shelf. place one above the desk and add a markerboard or chalkboard behind the desk for visual interest. Michele

  3. Remove the glass and paint the metal with a brush.  Be sure to use a paint that will work on metal.  You can ask at the store when you go to buy it.  When you say beach cottage, I'm thinking light blues, and cream colors.  I think it would look nice if you painted it cream, but that's without me actually knowing the colors.  So you can pick your own color.  Since it's black, if you brush paint it with a lighter color the first coat would look a little "distressed".  I recently painted a black dresser and got this effect.  If you don't like it, simply do a couple more coats.

    As for the glass, you could leave it as-is, but I think it would look nice with a slight frost on it.  Be sure to do the bottom so using the desk doesn't scratch the frosting up.

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