
I have a really weird embarassing problem?

by  |  earlier

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im 17 and when i get nervous (in social situations) when im sitting down i feel like i need to break wind, and i have to keep moving around to stop me from doing so

i know you probably think this is a joke but its not, its really getting to me and it happens when im in lessons at school

i dont actually break wind but i come really close lol and i think its to do with anxiety but when i try to calm myself down it doesnt work and im really ashamed of this problem, does anybody else get this?

serious answers please, thanks xxxxxx




  1. Hi hun,

    really wouldn't worry about it,its just because you are with people and are worried you are going to embarris yourself,or because its so quiet and your worried if you make any noise people will look at you.

    Loads of people I know worry about things like this,but as long as you stay calm you will be fine :) xtake carex

  2. psychologically possible!! don't worry. try doing some meditation

  3. Wherever you may be let your wind blow free.....

    Not the most formal way of putting it. It is embrassing, but if they are silent, just go ahead and f**t. It is far better to let it out, it can cause health problems if you keep them in.

  4. whoa never heard of that problem before need to get that checked out that will scare guys and girls away.

  5. It's common to feel this. Your body is pumping adrenaline into your system which in turn gets your body into "fight or flight" mode. The best thing you can do is to find some relaxation techniques and/or watch what you eat before these situations. Hope this helps.

  6. Try getting exorcised

  7. Just f**t, we all do

  8. your fine i do it some times lol just hold it for a sec then it will come out quiet and ya class will have a laf and not know its you :¬)

  9. IBS

    irritable bowel syndrom

    look it up:

    Stress—feeling mentally or emotionally tense, troubled, angry, or overwhelmed—can stimulate colon spasms in people with IBS. The colon has many nerves that connect it to the brain. Like the heart and the lungs, the colon is partly controlled by the autonomic nervous system, which responds to stress. These nerves control the normal contractions of the colon and cause abdominal discomfort at stressful times. People often experience cramps or “butterflies” when they are nervous or upset. In people with IBS, the colon can be overly responsive to even slight conflict or stress. Stress makes the mind more aware of the sensations that arise in the colon, making the person perceive these sensations as unpleasant.

    Some evidence suggests that IBS is affected by the immune system, which fights infection in the body. The immune system is affected by stress. For all these reasons, stress management is an important part of treatment for IBS. Stress management options include

    stress reduction (relaxation) training and relaxation therapies such as meditation

    counseling and support

    regular exercise such as walking or yoga

    changes to the stressful situations in your life

    adequate sleep  

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