
I have a recurring element in different dreams that leaves a strong impression?

by  |  earlier

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This has happened in two different dreams and two different contexts. One involves a boy (with super powers) who's mother had been kidnapped and the other involves swimming through a swamp (or a lake with murky water.)

Both involve a boy (maybe 11) who is in distress, one because of the mother thing and the other because he is drowning.

I am helping the boy in both dreams, but first I have to calm him down. I grab him and wrestle with him, sort of. This takes great physical and emotional effort. I can feel his panic and his fear and I wrestle it, along with the boy physically, into submission. I always grab him in a bear hug and don't let go.

I don't know exactly what this means, but I have some sense of purpose, like it's my gift to help this boy. I love it. It's exhausting, but gratifying.

Any ideas of who, or what, this boy is or what the dream as a whole represents would be appreciated.




  1. The boy is part of who you are, part of your own emotional world. Somewhere deep inside of you, you feel that you are in a murky situation, and the strong female, the mother, who should be guiding you has temporarily gone away, leaving you on your own.

    You enjoy wrestling with the boy because you will gain maturity and a sense of purpose, from getting this part of yourself under control. This will take great effort on your part, but will be gratifying.

  2. this means that you help those who help others. Or your just someones *****

  3. It probably means that your a caring person.

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