
I have a red tailed boa, she is in a fairly large enclosure.?

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the temperature in the cage is about 86-90 degrees on the one side of the cage and 70-80 on the other side of the cage. I had her out this evening and noticed that one of her vents are almost completely closed. She shed a few weeks ago and she seemed to with no issues. Should i be worried? At night the temp drops to around 75-80 degrees thru out the enclosure. Am i doing anything wrong???? I stay roughly arounf 300 miles from the closest vet that deals with reptiles, i dont mind taking the trip but i'd like a bit of clarification as to wether or not this is a serious thing thats happens.





  1. It sounds like you are providing a good range of temperature variation to allow her to control her body temperature, and proper night cooldown.

    But?  "one of her vents are almost completely closed" is a confusing statement.  Snakes only have one vent.  Are you possibly talking about her nostrils?

    IF her single vent is partially closed, you might want to give her a nice tepid soak in the bathtub, if this doesn't clear up in a day or so.  You can also rub the vent with a light coating of vaseline on your fingertip, or use an alcohol/fragrance free hand lotion, for that matter.  You don't want bedding to stick to her.  Use just a tiny bit, to soften the area.

    If the problem persists beyond the soak and lotion, you may want to seek the help of a vet, if this is preventing her from voiding properly.

    I hope this has been helpful.

  2. Sounds like your doing everything right mate.As for the blocked vent,does it seem to cause her any discomfort? it has happend to mine b4 after a shed,but usually clears up on its own quickly.

    If she has just shed then i am certain she will eat,if she doesnt eat for a fortnight when you offer her some food then she maybe unwell.They can go a long long long time without food though.Aslong as she has a large water dish to drink and bathe in ther should be no problems.

  3. I don't understand? One of her vents? They only have one vent and that's where they go to the bathroom out of. I think you mean something else, but I'm not sure what.

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