
I have a ring that is about a sz 7 but i need it stretched to a sz 10 for my wedding on saturday. ?

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how much do u think jewelers charge to stretch to that sz? how long does stretchin a ring usually take?




  1. The jeweler is going to have to add some gold to bring the ring up to a size 10, so it hard to say how much it will cost since each jeweler is probably independently owned. It shouldn't take more than a day or two just depending on their work load. Hope this helps!

  2. They don't stretch a ring, they size it, meaning they add gold to the shank to make it larger.  They will charge you at least $50 to size the ring to a 10 because the price of gold is high at this point in time.  

  3. I'm thinking at least $70., and you may have to pay more to get it done quickly.   The other posters are correct that they jeweler must add gold.  Instruct him not to thin the shank!

  4. It depends on the ring - if it's a higher gold alloy they'll charge more, because the material they need to add is more expensive. If it's a patterned band they might not be able to do it at all, and might charge more because it's difficult.

    As for how long - the work itself will likely be less than a day (but again, this depends on if there's patterning on parts of the band - only plain parts can be rolled larger), but many stores don't have someone in to do this work every day, so it might take up to a week, longer if they have to send it out. Shop around for somewhere that can do a rush job.

  5. Wow- what happened to your fingers to make them go from a size 7 to a size 10 so quickly?  Or maybe this is just a case of procrastination.  Either way, the jeweler will probably tell you it's going to be difficult, if not impossible, to make a ring so many sizes bigger.  Most jewelers have no trouble at all sizing a ring up or down a size, but you're talking UP 3 sizes in the next two days?  I'm afraid it isn't going to happen.  Better start shopping for a ring that fits.

  6. Price depends on where you go and on the ring itself.  I just got a white gold ring re-sized last month and it cost us $70.  If it had been yellow gold it would have been only $30.

    Resizing a ring takes at least a week because the rings don't get re-sized in the store, it needs to be sent out.  I would be surprised if you found a place that will do it in less then 3 days.

  7. im not sure on the price because every place will charge a different amount, but you would get the ring back the same day

  8. i had a size 7.5 ring and had it resized to a 9.5 but they couldn't stretch it, i think they can only stretch it if it need to go up a .5 size. Mine was $60 at zales, i brought it in on Thursday and it was ready Satuarday.

  9. You need to take it immediately to the jeweler. You'll be lucky if they can fit you in this late. It depends on their workload, or you might have to pay extra to have a rush put on it. A lot of jewelers ship repairs out to someone, so you'd have to find one that does repairs in the store, which could be difficult.

    It's also difficult, although not impossible, to make a ring that many sizes bigger in the first place. It will probably cost around $100, maybe more depending on if they charge a rush fee.  

  10. When I had to have my ring resized up, I am pretty sure it was very affordable (like, less than $30 if I remember correctly) and they did it while I waited.  A few years later I had it sized back down (at a different jeweler) and I did not wait but was able to pick it up a few hours later.

    Mind you they don't actually 'stretch' the ring, they cut it, add some extra gold and solder it back together and you can't even tell it was ever messed with.  Some places do it on site (which is what you'll need at this late date) and some have to send it out.

    edited to add:  okay, so what exactly did I say that was so offensive that someone gave me a thumbs down????

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