
I have a robin that keeps tapping on my window. Why?

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I have a robin that keeps tapping on my window. Why?




  1. maybe he sees his reflection

  2. I have recently read about this through starlingtalk.  A member was having the same thing happening to them.  

    ""Window Attacks

    Reason would suggest that covering reflective surfaces would eliminate the behavior, but this is not always the case. When the outside of the glass is covered, the bird may go searching for its imaginary rival at other windows. Not surprisingly, it will find the intruder at every window it encounters.

    There are reports of robins attacking as many as fifteen windows on both the first and second stories of homes. For this reason, it is probably best to be patient and do nothing. If bedroom windows are being attacked and the occupants are being awakened at dawn, cover just those windows.

    If people chose to cover the windows, it is the outside that must be completely covered. A medium-weight, plastic painter's drop cloth, available at hardware stores and home centers, works well. The plastic is clear enough to allow light into the room, but cloudy enough to eliminate reflections. Attach the plastic to the top of the outside of the window and allow it to hang freely over the window. The bird will no longer be able to see itself in the window, and the movement of the plastic, as it blows in the wind, should frighten it.

    Do not waste money on fake owls or rubber snakes, which reportedly frighten birds. The rival bird will still be visible in the window, and the territorial birds quickly learn that these artificial critters pose no threat.""

  3. its an fbi spy camera.

    you have meth lab in your closet?

  4. This kinda happened at my school. Birds fly into our windows cause they see their reflection and cause they're stupid. If you can cover up the windows with curtains or imagies of their rivals.

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