
I have a roommate that has not been paying her share and I want to get rid of her. ?

by  |  earlier

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she was at one time the lease but since she was going to move out with a friend when it was time for the lease to be resigned she was not added on again. I am now the only one on that lease. Now she has not moved and will not pay her share unless it is months later on top of owing me for paing her part off and on. What can I do to get her out. I told her she has till the end of the month to leave can I do this.




  1. Um.. h**l Yeah you can do that. I woul have said the same thing if she dont get out go thell the ppl in the office that she had moved in there and she will not pay you and you want her out but she wont get out.  

  2. She is not on the lease, u can do what you want.   Personally i would let landlord know first, if that doesnt work, tell landlord and her u are calling cops.

  3. you tell her she has to move out by a particular date and that she has to pay you the back rent she owes you. If her stuff is not moved out by that date, you simply call the police. If she does not pay you the back rent, you sue her. it's an open and shut case/

  4. i think thats the right thing to do.. its time she knows she cant do that to you. and shell have to go find someone else.. u can possibly tell her that this has nothing to do wit her but simply the fact that shes not paying and u dont have that kind of money to pay her share everytime she doesnt have it.

  5. Have her evicted now.

    Your name is on the lease, hers is not.

    Tell her pay me or Ill have you evicted.

    You can call the police now and they will come right over and throw her stuff out on the street.

    Kick her *** out, it sounds like you were doing her a favor and she slapped you in the face.

  6. Pack up her sh¡t and put it outside.  Ask the landlord for a new lock and key (you might have to pay for it).  If she's not on the lease, she is there at your convenience and can be moved out for that same reason.

  7. tell her you don't want to ruin your friendship but you need the money so she needs to pay or leave.

  8. Yes.

    Check the landlord tenant law in your state.(YOU ARE BOUND BY THESE LAWS, IF THEY GIVE HER SPECIFIC RIGHTS, AND YOU VIOLATE THOSE RIGHTS, YOU ARE LIABLE!!!).......also check your lease, and ask your landlord for help, (if their willing).

    You are being taken advantage of, get whatever money you can that she owes you, cut your losses, don't ask, TELL her to leave.



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