
I have a running problem?

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When i run i am told my legs look like I'm ice skating so im told. I don't know why.

I can't even tell when i do but i am really self consious about it and try to focus when i do but i really dont know what it is im doing wrong.




  1. practice running i used to run but i stopped to be on made on MTV 2 beon a dancing on my school's dance team only to show my female side

  2. Go out there and run...forget everything else.  Running is not about style.  Do it because its good exercise and enjoy it.  No worries and dont take it to heart.

  3. it dosent matter, honestly whatever is the best form for you, no one really runs the same way, its kinda like a figer print. but if you are conserned go to the running room or go to a professinal who can exsamine how you run, and they should be able to tell you.

    i hope that helps !

  4. so you dont lift your knees when you run?

    Dont worry about it, just keep running

  5. It may be that you plant your legs wide, the way skaters push out to the side. Pretty sure I have seen a lot of olympic sprinters running like that, especially the first few strides out of the blocks.

    Michael Johnson always looked to have a strange running style, and everyones body is different so I wouldn't pay it much attention unless it is causing injuries.

  6. running is never about style it is about who has the most guts to put up with the pain .

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