
I have a russian dwarf and it keeps biting me,it doesnt have a patrtner or freind do u reccon its lonely???

by Guest66469  |  earlier

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I have a russian dwarf and it keeps biting me,it doesnt have a patrtner or freind do u reccon its lonely???




  1. No. Hamsters usually shouldn't be kept together. If it keeps biting you it's because it either doesn't want to be handled or doesn't trust you. Wait until your hamster is awake and take it gently out the cage. Let it run around you. If it still keeps biting maybe get some food or a treat and feed it - then it will bite that not you (hopefully) and maybe if you keep doing this it will trust you more. Don't do anything to scare it, don't wake it and handle it gently. It takes time for a hamster to trust you.

  2. Oh lord, do you mean a RABBIT?!


  3. no hamsters are just vile!!! they sleep all day, spin round their wheels all night while you are trying to sleep and nip like h**l! get a guinea pig instead they are much more friendlier and sociable!

  4. No its not lonely most russian dwarfs like to be alone. If you are sticking your fingers by its mouth it might think that your fingers are food. Or you have some food left over from lunch.  

  5. It's probably not biting you because it's lonely - it's more likely that it's not used to you handling it.

    Have you just recently bought it? When did you start handling it?

    When you do handle it, make sure you (or your hands) don't smell of food or another animal.

    You need to tame it, such as rewarding it when it doesn't bite you after handling.

    I'm not sure if they like to live in groups or alone - I only know that Syrians are the only ones who should live alone. However, if you were to pair up your Russian Dwarf please remember that it's probably a little too late, you should buy animals from the same litter at the pet shop. If you do decide to buy it a partner, and it is a boy, don't pair it up with another boy. If it's a girl it's fine with other females. And if it's a boy don't partner it up with a girl... for obvious reasons.

    Whatever you do, good luck. :)

  6. No, it is just bad tempered.  

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