
I have a samsung k3 4gb,have about 200 songs on it but now it,s full,thought it held 1000 songs, ?

by Guest58515  |  earlier

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i have converted them to mp3




  1. The songs capacity is based on each song averaging about 4 megs ea.  If your mp3's are about that, then check to see what else may be on your player, i.e. videos, apps or hidden files.  Something is taking up space other than your songs if you mp3 player is working properly.

  2. Have the tracks been converted to MP3 or WMA files  . If not it wont hold anywhere near 1000. My daughter has a 1gb MP3 and she has 260+ on it.

  3. It could be the quality of the songs that are making them big. Most of my music has a bitrate of 192 which is CD quality but some people have songs that are such good quality they are like 9-10mb each. Check out the bitrate of your songs and the size. Most songs are between 3-5mb if they are under 5 minutes long. Time also affects how many songs you can fit. If you have a lot of 8,9,or 10 minute songs, then not many will fit.

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