
I have a savannah monitor about 2 years old and he wont eat anything at all and just lays around help!?

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about a week ago i fed him crickets...and ever seince then hes just been laying around not real active...and i didnt have his cage hot enough so i got new lights and it is alot hotter then it was and i no longer shut his lights off at night but its been 2 days he still wont eat and is very inactive




  1. What are the temps in the cage. You should leave thew lights on for 12 hours and off for 12 hours. leaving the light on all the time will stress it out. Monitors usually do well with a hot spot of around 100 degrees or more.

  2. check your husbandry. the problem is not with the monitor, its with your keeping practices. look back on all your husbandry and find whats wrong then fix it.

    p.s. its probably not enough heat.(130f basking spot MINIMUM "BJ K")

    p.p.s. sorry to disagree" Justin k"  and "BJK" but savs ( and all monitors for that matter) need to be offered food at least every other day, do not need a night time drop in temps (thats just playing with respiratory issues), and monitors do not need any specials lighting like uvb or uva, day night cycle or what ever( i have always kept my monitors with 24/7 heat and light since i  always use light, as a source for heat. i guess if there was some other, more economic way to get all the heat they need ,with out the light, id go that way and the monitors wouldnt care one bit). monitors dont care about light ,we do , sooo we assume they do. monitors care about proper heat. 24/7. basking SPOT 130f+ minimum( i go as high as 170f degrees, yes i said 170f that's A LOT hotter than  just "over a 100f") ambients of 90f-85f on the hot side, 75f-80f on the cool.KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOUR TEMPS ARE. do not guess get a good inferred temp gun( like $30)and digital probe thermometer(like $15). you set your temps like these ,monitors eat, any monitor.

  3. how is the temperature? Also the lighting could have an effect if you're turning no the lights for only a few hours a day. Is the tank large enough for him? Also how long has he not eaten? Anything different than your usual routine? Unfortunately we would just need a little more information to give advice. You can always try providing him a UVB light if you don't already have one. A vet is of course always a option.

    addition: the xtra heat may definitely help. You don't want to leave them on 24 hrs straight though, they will still night a night cool down. If you want to provide it with some night time heat, you can get a undertank heater or a red bulb. A week isn't that long for a Savannah. I sometimes will only feed mine once a week. I'd say if it turns into two weeks, then start to worry. Until then, just keep the heat up and keep the husbandry correct. Also a bath could help, it sure won't hurt.

  4. first off take a look at your terrarium how big is it if it is smaller than 6x3x3feet get a bigger an if that doesn't work e-mail me.

  5. You could try giving him live food, it might intice him to try and catch it, thats what my cousin did.

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