
I have a sensitive friend, and I find it quite hard to?

by  |  earlier

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talk to her about things that I like, because when I do, she gets all sad and it is very easy to upset her. Like if she waves at me and I didn't realise it was her so I don't wave, next time she sees me she goes all quiet and if I talk to her and ask her whats wrong, she goes on about that I don't like her coz I didn't wave at her. I have to keep my feelings and intrests inside and then talk about them with my other friends. And if I already know something she tells me, I just say oh yeah. and stuff, but when I tell her something that she already knows, she goes on saying 'oh yeah, I know' but with that mean type of voice. And if I happen to tell my best friend something, she goes on saying "its best if you tell me as well" when its something private or between me and my friend.

Is there a way where I can express myself and tell my intrests as well and not just hers? She is an only child and she is really spoilt by her parents.




  1. ask urself this 'do i really wanna b friends with her?'if yes then put up with it, if no just ignore her

  2. sounds like you are getting manipulated emotionally by your freind there

    be you and do and say what you want it shouldn't matter if she is your freind then she would be more understanding and when she gets upset politely remind her that everything is not about her

  3. Ack. You have to tell her how you feel and how she is acting wrong. Walking on egg shells is not a friendship. She has to put her share of work in. Good luck.

  4. wow... me too

    she spoilt and an only child

    she prys it from under me.. hard 2 deal with


    next time just tell her its Private... if she starts crying just ignore her I'm sure a lot of others feel the same way. shes pretending to be weak s u feel guilty doing stuff....

    stay strong

    good luck

    take care


  5. Well, she seems very sensitive ey?

    I would just not worry about her, she will get the point eventually. I had a friend like that before

  6. she's not sensitive - she's insecure and immature.

    what kind of friend requires you to act differently when you're with her? doesn't sound like a healthy friendship. say what you want, do what you want. if she doesn't like it, well, too bad. you can't grow up for her.

  7. You need a new friend. She sounds like an emotional vampire. It's all about her. If she uses sarcasm on you, or is petty, bail out. You are stifling yourself to make her happy. You will have to do this FOREVER with her, because people like that are a bottomless pit of self pity that no one can ever fill.

  8. Listen to Daniel A;  he's got it spot on !

  9. I suspect you might have a depressed friend.

    Morbidness of this type is usually tied to lower level mental health issues - not sure what to advise

  10. Great heavens. Why on earth do you want a person like this in your life? What does she think – that she is the center of the universe or something? She isn’t sensitive. She’s selfish. Again, why do you want someone like that in your life?

    You said so yourself – she’s spoiled by her parents. That doesn’t mean you have spoil her as well.

    OK I’m assuming she’s a classmate and you have to deal with her. Won’t be easy.

    When she is sharp-tongued (yeah, I know already) tell her that was an insensitive remark and that you don’t appreciate it. She can be nicer and should be.

    When you share something in confidence with your other friend (I assume you can trust your other friend) and she wants to know too – give her an annoyed look and tell her quiet bluntly that the issue is private between you and the other friend and she’s rude for wanting to be involved in other people’s private affairs.

    When she gets ticked off because you didn’t notice her when she waived – tell her you don’t have eyes in the back of your head and to get over it.

    When she balks – and she will because she thinks the world revolves around HER, tell her that just because her parents dote on her doesn’t mean the rest of the world has to – or even wants to – and she would be better off and a lot happier in the long run if, from time to time, she thought about other people’s feelings more than her own.

    When other people see that you’re willing to stand up to her spoiled brat ways, they’ll hopefully follow suit and insist she get a life and grow up as well.

    Depending on how old she is, it’s doubtful she’ll ever change. I would cool off the friendship – just not be available at her beck and call etc.

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