
I have a serious outdoor fly problem.We are filling up bags of flies in our bag traps.Help!!!!?

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This season my wife & I are having a really bad fly problem.we bought bag fly traps that you fill with water in which the attractant dissoles the flies enter through a funnel can't get out and drown.I'am not lieing when I say we stuck 3 traps out at 12 noon and by 6 pm there was at least a inch worth of dead flies in there.I thought it was my flowers but it's not.We had an exterminator out and everything.My neighbor has the same thing.I just can't figure it out.Their not only around the trash section of the yard in which we keep clean but there around the whole house.I tried everything.I have a universial bug zapper out there now.Anybody have any suggestions?I am up for anything.Chemical treatments are fine by me just tell me where to get them.Help please I am at my wits end.




  1. put the traps as far from your home as possible,as the first responder said they attract the fly's.

  2. plants sum plants that get them venus fly trap?

  3. get fly strips and/or a bug zapper... it's less expensive and works quite well for flies, mosquitos, etc

  4. It can't hurt to clean up the trash a little more. Move the cans further away and clean them with bleach and water. See if there's anything else attracting them, like a dead animal or lots of dog p**p.

    Good luck.

  5. Get rid of the bug traps - they produce a pheromone to ATTRACT bugs - that's how they work.  Take them down, and the bugs aren't attracted to your territory anymore.  Also, plant marigolds - bugs hate the way they smell.

  6. Move the fly traps away from your house to draw the flies out farther, and go here and buy this,,,,,,, have livestock, I have these in the barns and at my back door, front door and garage door. We buy the spray in bulk, a can lasts about a month. They run on batteries. Hope this helps

  7. i hung out those fly sticky tapes only 2 really cheap under 2.00 and they seem to be less i think they dont like the smell as for those thing you got they stink so i think they make more come.

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