
I have a serious problem and I need your help!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 20 years old, and I get very intense stomach aches, lower back pains, groin and t******e pains, bloating, inflammated skin on the p***s, diarrhea all throughout the day, and a recurrent need to go Number 2 IMMEDIATELY after obtaining an erection. First I think it's important to note that I am a heavy masturbator, always m********e while sitting at my computer, and often delay ejaculation for often 1-2 hours depending on when I feel like going. But anyway, my question is could my masturbation or the extremely long delaying of my o****m be causing my chronic abdominal discomfort? I really need your help because this has been a problem for about 5 months now and has only been getting worse! What should I do?




  1. please go to the doctor.your only 20 you shouldn't be having these prombs

  2. go to the doctor, it could be serious!!!

  3. I'm no expert, but I think your digestive tract and reproductive tract are two entirely different entities. If you delay ejaculation for long periods of time I think the worse that could happen is soreness in your testicles, maybe your p***s too--which would explain away some of your symptoms.... But this wouldn't cause severe abdominal pain and diarrhea. I really hope you will go to the doc. sounds like you have more than one issue going on. Good Luck.


  5. you should go see a doctor  

  6. Impose restrictions on your computer use, lay off the p**n for a while, you can still m********e but calm down your visual stimulus for a while, masturbating for a couple of hours once in a while is more than most but i've done it, but doing so on a regular basis will strain your testes and doing this continually can very well increase the risk of testicular cancer later in life, there is such a thing as completely overdoing it mate you will find cutting down on masturbation will also stop your stomach cramps, this is happening because of prolonged straining as you try to achieve climaxes over such long periods because although your intensely rapid flagellation's will achieve this your p***s will actually be numb so you put so much effort into achieveing climaxes until you finally ejaculate and this is overstraining the muscle groups in the area, also when you sit in a fixed position over long periods the straining muscles will have a restricted blood flow and lock into position while you m********e which is why when you move more than a little after you have ejaculated and rest for a while the cramps seem worse as you move and until blood flow begins again, the straining  and blood flow restriction also causes vascular contractions at the ends of the muscles where the ligaments attach muscle to bone which will eventually cause very painful spasms, if they aren't happening now they will happen. A Hernia is next because your muscles in your lower stomach area are now so weak, especially with a lack of nutrition as well which means when you do eventually sleep they don't repair adequately so a Hernia risk which usually middle aged men are prone to lower down to may happen to you as weakness spreads downwards, look at a diagram of the musculature in that area and you'll see how all those muscles interrelate, the higher muscles will effect groups lower down, i know exactly what you are doing and you need to heed this.

    Indulge in some healthy activities, even a brisk walk in the park for an hour daily will do you good and engage with other people.

    Eat some vegetables in balanced meals and vary them and take some average dosed multivitamins with trace elements for a couple of weeks and only take the stated dose which will likely be one twice daily, fruit juices as well will help you recover your ailing health.

    Boiled eggs will help bind your stomach contents.

    If you are indulging in stimulant drugs such as *Cocaine* and/or XTC, stop for a while, it's s******g up your system, not to mention is likely causal to your above normal levels of masterbation because of a lit up pleasure and reward centre in your brain! If you aren't, sorry, but everything you say points to it.

    Above all, get to the doctor for a general health check, who will likely reiterate what i am saying about diet and excercise.

    You really do need to moderate your habits and enforce a little self control as you are in a degenerating spiral and you will really s***w yourself up if you don't listen to this advice matey, ok.

    Temperence mate, temperance!

  7. 5 months with these symptoms?

    Have you considered asking a doctor these questions?

    Go to the doctor!  That sounds awful.

  8. If you don't want to see a doctor try something for a couple of weeks, maybe a month.  Stop delaying ejaculation for more than 15 or 20 min. at the most - is there a change in your symptoms?  If not, try giving up masturbating completely for a week or two - is there a change?  If not, you know it has nothing to do with you other problems.  

  9. Maybe your posture while your "doing the deed" is affecting your back and stomach muscles.  I'm not a guy...I shouldn't even be reading this!  :)

    Go see a doctor...hope you get better soon.

  10. See a dr.  

  11. that sux

  12. go to a doctor!!;...

  13. I can't imagine how the intense stomach ache & diarrhea could be linked in any way to masturbation.   However, anytime you have inflamed skin on the p***s, I would get to a doctor as quickly as possible because that is definitely NOT normal.

  14. Nobody on this site can give you medical advice.  You truly need to see your doctor right away.  Please take care.  Remember doctors have seen and heard everything and there is no need to be embarrassed.  

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