
I have a serious question for the Dog regs.?

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Do you think thousands of pets will be misplaced when Gustav hits The States?




  1. what/who is Gustav?

  2. I have been a vet tech in a few hurricanes and there are always a few pets that get displaced.  The best action people can take for their pets in a crisis is to be prepared with a plan, microchip their pets and always let someone know where your animals are.  

  3. Probaby a good number will. It's terribly, terribly sad to think about...some of the people fleeing may just not care, or some may honestly not be able to take their pets and have no other option. I just hope those that are left behind find their way into shelters, and eventually new loving homes.

    To the first answerer, Gustav is the Cat. 4 hurricane making its way towards Louisiana.

    Added: Yikes, it's a 5 now? Last I knew it was 4...

  4. meow, I think if we all say a little pray then maybe God will help the animals..

  5. I live in FL, and I went to Mississippi Friday for a dog show. Sunday's show got cancelled due toGustav. The traffic coming back to the East was pretty heavy. The show was in Long Beach, MS, which is about 45 min East of New Orleans (via I-10). No one out there is taking Gustav lightly. At some points, traffic on I-10 East was 35 mph. Mandatory evacuations were to be put into force 8 am Sun morning where we were staying, so we left this afternoon after the dog show.

    Hopefully they have made arrangement for their beloved pets, preferrably taking them out with them.

  6. It still remains to be seen, but I know when Katrina hit a few years ago thousands of pets were misplaced, some were lucky and were reconciled with their owners.  Others were not so lucky.

  7. I hope not! We have 5 and if we have to leave then 5 of them will be going with us!  

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