
I have a serious school project on mythical creatures. I need field guide.?

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I need a field guide or something, so that I can get information. It has to be serious, because my professor is really picky. It has to have lots of creatures (vampires, werewolves, selkies, mermaids, nymphs, idk), And lots of info, without recent sightings or anything like that. I don't need one with stupid "sightings" in it, just lots of information. I really need help with this. It has to be kinda professional looking, (I have to show it to my class) , so could it be plain, big, old, and no dumb pics on the outside? I really need help! thanks :) ps, it has to look authentic, it will total push my grade up if it looks like from a movie or something.




  1. Sherrilyn Kenyon has a dark hunters guide, "The Dark-Hunter Companion"- it is basically a guide that explains the world of the paranormal surrounding her dark hunters series.

    The dark hunter series are  books about the Greek Gods that created vampires/ Damions, and the Dark Hunters/ warriors brought back from the dead to hunt them down and kill them before the vampires are able to kill humans.It would be a good book for you. There is terminology and definitions. You could make a poster or pamphlet of explanations.

  2. Monsters, by John Michael Greer. It discusses the etymology, folklore and related topics for a variety of mythological creatures, with a slightly unique viewpoint.  

  3. since you are in college, go to the source. Find out the origins of the myths about wear wolves and other creatures. When you create your figures, don't show what we think those creatures look like, but what the people who originally created those creatures thought they looked like. For example, we think of vampires as handsome and debonair because of movies, but in Transylvania they might have thought they quite ugly. Show your professor you have done your homework!

  4. why dont you go to the libary :P

  5. write about a mermaid like the movie theertenth year

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