My boy follows me every where. He wants to do everything I do. I love it, but sometimes, I want some space. I want him to do his own things. He gets mad at me when I don't let him do things I know he can't do. Like cut the grass, I don't want him pushing the lawn mower yet or doing the weed eating. He does pick up trash well though. I slept on the couch last night and he tried to get me to go to bed. I told him I was sleeping on the couch and he built a palet on the floor next to me. I know before to long, he will not want to be around me but with his friends. So I soak all his love in. I do send him to his grandmother's when I feel I need a break. I guess what I am asking is what are some ways to get him interested in doing things on his own? He has all kinds of toys, his own room, his own tv, but he would rather be next to me. My kids live with me and only see their mother when she desides to come around.