
I have a severe skin infection that wont go away with antibiotics?

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i have a skin infection over my body just now. It is lobster red weeping and raw looking. I saw a doctor who gave me Flucloxacillin (which didnt work) and now penicillin V and still this thing is swelling up my skin. Im real worried its mrsa because i go to a large college and i ive been told some student had it not that long ago. Considering i have eczema too im real worried that the amount of antibiotics ive been given (at least 4 courses in a year from different infections ie/ chest, throat and urinary) that by taking these meds i am unwittingly allowing more infections to occur?




  1. 1] get rid of all scented products - soap, lotions, powders, anything you use on your body, face, or hair

    2] use hypoallergenic laundry detergent and softener too.

    3] wash all clothing in unscented before you put it on - also towels, sheets, etc.

    4] pay attention to diet - is it worse after some foods?

    5] if you don't already, start taking vitamins with minerals - a little of one thing can help a lot!

    6] drink at least a 1/2 gallon of water a day

    7] take one or two Benadryl before bed - you will sleep better, and it should decrease swelling and itch

    7] try ibuprofen, aspirin, or Tylenol on daytime

    8] did anyone culture the infection yet??

    8] are you seeing a dermatologist - ask for a consult. No, insist [ politely ].

    Sounds miserable, and could leave you open to more infections!

    Hope you are better soon - 'cause I know how you feel!

  2. I really feel for you.I am seeing a Dermatologist at the moment for eczema & psoriasis on my eyes.I have had antibiotics & ointments since last November.(including Flucloxacillin) & nothing is working-I can't even put Lypsil on my chapped lips because I react to it,like a burning sensation.I am waiting to go for a patch test as soon as they can get me an appointment.The Consultant thinks somewhere along the line I have become allergic to the steroids in the treatments I have been given so now I react to everything they give me.Go back & ask for this patch test.

  3. Like you guessed, I'm not a doctor... and this might be completely off course, but did you ever investigate it possibly being an allergic reaction and not an infection?  I only ask because generally infections will respond to an antibiotic, even if it takes a few tries.

    If you're pretty convinced it's an infection, just another thought - I know you don't prescribe your own medications but maybe you might want to try an antibiotic not in the -cillin family, since neither of those seem to be working for you.

    As far as infections go, you're not opening yourself up to more infections by being on the various meds, so don't worry about that.  If anything, the meds will help to prevent other infections.  The risk of being on many antibiotics is in a more scientific realm - it causes the bacteria to mutate and sometimes become immune to the antibiotics, which is obviously a problem.

  4. sounds like an allergic reaction . look at what you eat  .changed anything like soap clothing carpets chairs furniture pets anything you can think of remove for a while to see if you recover. good luck don't fret stress makes things worse  

  5. Have you been working with a dermatologist or general practitioner? Imo, you should see a GP (internal medicine is my personal preference) to talk about the skin infection. You should be specific- where exactly is the red, weeping area? Are your input and output normal? Any changes in stool (frequency or consistency)? Have you tried elevation or ice packs (wrapped in a towel) to relieve discomfort?

    Take a deep breath, and try to relax. Those who are most vulnerable to MRSA are those with lowered auto-immune systems (such as in hospitals, as they are already fighting other condition/s). Take the antibiotics as prescribed, and see an experienced GP as soon as you can- to ease your fears. Hope that your discomfort goes away soon. ((hugs))

  6. oh, i feel so sorry for you, i sure hope they find something that will work for you soon. i have no idea what antibiotic to suggest, but sometimes if the infection is really bad, the doctors have to shoot a few bags if intravenous antibiotics into you. i would ask the doctor you are seeing next week to take a sample of the infection, and send it to the lab to find out what it is. maybe then they will know exactly what antibiotic to use. i sure hope they can help you, you poor little thing. it sounds so painful.

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