
I have a shared laptop. I don't want to constantly erase my history. How can I block other users from looking

by  |  earlier

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Please, is there any way I can do something that is permanent to block other users of this laptop from viewing my history? I have been going in each and every time after to erase it. So time-consuming! Help, please!




  1. set up different names. such as YOUR name'

    and GUESS name or just the other individuals name.

  2. Open inet options in the control panel. Hit the clear history tab. Then set the days to save to zero and it will no longer save it.

  3. I am sorry but that option is not available. you see a computer is not designed for multi-users to share but yet continue to have privacy. Not like web-base actions where you have a private email but others can use your computer to check out their private email. That would be a great suggestion to offer Microsoft but I would think that would be like asking them to make a computer to work using removable hard-drives because every key-stoke is recorded on your hard-drive.

    Word of warning though - if it once was on your computer somewhere on there it still remains and by someone who knows where to look can find what you may have thought you erased.

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