
I have a shared wireless internet connection in my house and it has been working fine but now its slow?

by  |  earlier

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I was hoping somebody could tell me the cause of this problem




  1. if its not secured, then perhaps people outside your house are using your internet, thus dividing your bandwidth (internet speed) with them and your house. if it is secured, then call your service provider.

  2. someone steaking your internet?

  3. It reallly could be anything..

    But my guess is that someone else is using your wireless signal.

    Put a password on it so only you and people iny our house can access it.

    You can do that buy going to options when clicking on the wireless icon on your toolbar.

  4. could be interference from a neighbor

    - change the channel from default channel 6 to channel 1 or 11 ( or any other channel)

    - make sure router is high and not obstructed

    - try moving the router over a foot or so

    - run spyware scans on your computers you may have spyware tying up bandwidth on one of the computers or a virus

    Lastly it is not out of the possibility that a neighbors wireless computer has latched onto your network accidentally

    network magic's map will show you what computers have logged onto your network turn on encryption then if not on

  5. it might be because your memory on your computer is getting  full

    that happened to me an i got an extra hardrive that hooks up through a usb port

  6. Maybe your neighbor(s) are stealing your wireless signal.  Is yours password protected.

  7. If any computer in your house is downloading anything, this can severely limit the connection speed of other computers on your network.

  8. could be anything.

    i'd call the router company

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