
I have a sick Yorkie and need some advice...?

by Guest61039  |  earlier

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I have a 2.5lbs. Yorkshire Terrier and he has been sick the past few days and i am a bit concerned. I would love to take him to the Vet, but all the Vets around me require you to pay in full after the services are completed and the money I have right now is already spent on bills and I don't get paid again until the 15th. So I am coming here for advice and help.

It basically started on Labor Day. We went to my brothers for a Family BBQ and took the dogs with us. They had a good time playing with the kids and other dogs there, but I think my nephew fed Maverick too many treats. Also a plate of Hamburgers fell over he got a hold of one and apparently ate the entire thing, mind you again he is only like 2.5lbs. so he basically consumed his body weight in meat.

Since then he has been very sluggish and just sleeps in his bed and rarely gets out, only to go potty on his pad and when he does it is really rank diarrhea that smells like spoiled milk and garbage. Plus he has thrown up at least a dozen times now. He hasn't really eaten or drank anything in almost 3 days which is my main concern. My wife and I have given him some Pepto to calm his stomach, but that doesn't seem to work and we tried giving him some Pumpkin because a breeder friend of ours said that is good for calming their stomachs but he didn't want anything to do with it. I would guess from the smell and the taste.

Last night he showed signs of improvement and was in bed with us and was playing around with out other Yorkie, Keely. I thought everything would be fine and the worst of it was over, but then when we woke up this morning he was all sluggish again, pooped some more nasty diarrhea and threw up a few more times during the night. Not much, but small spots mainly because there is nothing left in the poor little guy to get out.

What can I do to settle his stomach down?

I have a plunger type thing that we used to give him the Pepto in that I filled with water and shot down his throat so he is at least having some form of liquids in him. The Vet suggested a "bland" diet of white rice and boiled chicken so at least he is eating. I am going to try that, but any other info or advice would be greatly appreciated.




  1. Call area vets & see if they have a payment plan called Care Credit--it lets you make monthly installments.

    There is a big risk with dehydration, after so many episodes of vomiting & diarrhea, especially considering his size.  Had he eaten anything that might have had a bone in it?  If he has any obstruction or partial obstruction from a bone sliver, that won't go away with Pepto. Whatever he eats if he has anything lodged in his intestines, will not move through his system normally and can create the foul smell in his stool.    

    If he ate a lot of rich, fatty foods, he may have developed pancreatitis, which can promote a chronic cycle of vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy.

    I know money is tight, but because this doesn't appear to be going away, he really needs a vet.   Some humane societies have low-cost clinics, or can direct you to one.  Some vets may also allow you to post-date a check.  It can't hurt to ask.  Good luck.

  2. stick with the bland diet of white rice and chicken the vet suggested. You can add plain yogurt (no flavor) This can help with the upset stomach and is better than the pepto. Hope he gets to feeling better soon.

  3. You biggest concern is to keep such a tiny animal from becoming dehydrated. To stop the diarrhea, feed him some canned pumpkin...plain pumpkin. NOT pie filling. Most dogs love it and it should help settle the gut. Equal parts of plain boiled rice, cottage cheese and boiled chicken or cooked ground beef are good, too ( our vet's recipe). Try giving a little Pedialyte or Gatorade for hydration and don't be too concerned, if he doesn't eat much. He's tiny and has had an orgy!  Good luck!

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