
I have a sick conure,can you help?

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he was fine ringing his bell this morning. then out of no where he was found laying in the bottom of cage when we got him out of his cage he began to vomit and had he don't want to be held or touched and he's just not acting right. any at home remedy's that anyone can offer?




  1. This is very urgent.

    Number one: Make a homemade incubator.

    Go to the pet store and buy a 10 gallon fish tank, a heat lamp and a reptile tank heater that sticks to the bottom of the tank and can be plugged in. Get your little bird in there quick and try to get the temp up to at least 85 degrees. Buy a lid and cover it with a towel. Make sure there's a little perch in their or a enough newspaper in there so he doesn't burn his little feet on the bottom.

    Number two: Call your avian vet and get him in ASAP.

    Because birds are prey animals, they do not show illness until they are usually very sick. They must be in a very warm enviroment (90-95 degrees) in order to fight off any sickness. I once had an Amazon  parrot who I was very close to die because I didn't know how to care for him properly. I have since had three other birds who became ill and survived because of the incubator my avian vet told me to make. This is key.  

  2. Take this bird to the Avian Vet ASAP. Why take chances! They will know what to do as to treat the bird. If you can't afford one right now most vets will take payments.  

  3. That is not a good sign. I wouldn't even attempt to try and give a home remedy as you have no idea whats causing it. I just buried my parrotlet yesterday, the avian vet was out of town and there was no one else, he passed away in my hand while I was rubbing his cheeks (his favorite thing). It tore the heart right out of me. So I suggest you don't treat him on your own.Try to keep him as hydrated as possible and get some help asap for him, if you look on the net you can give them some kind of energy drink diluted I think to keep his electrolites up. Birds are delicate and you have to be soo careful. The avian vet is your best bet.

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