
I have a simple logitech mic plugged in for ps3, system reconizes it, would it work for COD 4??

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i bought a ps3 a lil while ago with assasins creed, call of duty 4 and motorstorm, all great games, but COD4 is my fav, i play online alot with a wireless internet connection and i get jelous when people talk to eachother cus i like to talk to Lol so my dad gave me a logitch, i plugged it in, ps3 reconizes, i can hear myself on settings, but when i play call of duty 4, it says i have a mic but no one can hear me talk.. when i do talk the little mic sign pops up beside my name showing people that i am talking, but no one can hear me? does it HAVE to be blu tooth? please answer in the most amount of detail and help you can, thanks




  1. I have the exact same problem. but for motorstorm =(


    Ooh it turns out that just no one wanted to respond, lol. That might be your problem too. You might just be getting ignored.

  2. Doesn't matter what type. Every mic for PS3 all types work for all games. I just got a Logitech mic wired and it works grat for COD4!

  3. i don't think that it has to be bluetooth. maybe you just need to speak louder or its the peoples fault. if you can hear yourself then its working

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