
I have a simple question?

by  |  earlier

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My friends dad works with my aunt, who I sent pictures of myself and my (girl) friends to. Well she showed the picture to his dad and his dad asked if she could send it to him. My aunt did., which I didnt mind because hes my friends dad and all. Then when my aunt came over yesterday, she said...," His father liked it so much he blew it up and gave it to his wife and son". I'm like woah... kreepy much? Is this as creepy as I think it is... or am I overreacting?... if its not then why did he do that??





  1. its not that bad but they should ask you before they use your pics there yours by law

  2. He probably liked it very much =].

    Lol thats good =]


  3. you never know these days. look him up for records.

  4. I have to see the pic to know just how creepy that is. It is inappropriate on his part. However, if he does that with a lot of other pics of his own family and friends, then it might be understandable.  

  5. Some people are really intrigued with photography and beauty. Maybe he liked the pictures a lot because it captured the essence of the feeling. Its like hanging up a poster of a beach or something. Sure its kind of creepy but its not like he asked you to do a nude picture or he asked for more. Some people just like art.

  6. you're over reacting.

  7. until they dont post it on the internet u r overreacting

  8. I find this odd being the fact that his daughter or family member was not in it. Odd very odd.  

  9. Perhaps he really liked the picture. People do lots of things without "creepy" motives. Have you ever even been to an art gallery ? He probably saw something cut about the little girls in the pic.

  10. overreacting dont worry about it

  11. It would have been more creepy if he kept it to himself, but since he didn't just ignore it.  Yes, it's a little creepy but I don't think you need to lose sleep over it or anything.

  12. maybe he wants his son to like you my mom does crazy things like that to me when she wants me to date certian guys kinda get you to notice him  

  13. if it were me, my reaction would be: "WTF?!?!?!?!"

    I kinda think it's weird i mean if your aunt gavr it to him all blown up than i could understand (kinda), but for him to blow it up... that's down right wrong...

  14. CREEP

  15. It depends on what's in the picture.  If it's you and your friends in bikini's, then yeah, the guys a perv.  But if it's a tasteful picture of you and your friends then what's the big deal.  

  16. weird, creepy, and freaky!  

  17. Now that is totally creepy. no doubt.

  18. It is weird but I think it's more like a family thing. They probably love your friend a lot to keep a nice picture of her and her friend. Probably don't mean much. I don't think you have to worry much. but hey maybe now you could feel like you are part of their family just because of the picture. LOL

  19. Most likely your over reacting but it really depends on what the picture was and if he publicly handed it out to his wife and kids he's not a creep. And if he is a creep, **** him  

  20. you told me to come answer yours ;]

    haha woah. that''s a rather weird situation but i don't think it's anything to worry about. yes, a little creepy maybe but it's probably just done for good because they liked it. don't sweat it!

  21. You should appreciate it like it's a compliment.

    Because if you take good pictures like that.

    You should be a model.

    Can you please answer my question:

  22. that is creepy

  23. That's super creepy! I think it's weird that he even asked your aunt to send it to him. I mean, are you and your friend's dad close? Do you get along well? If I were you I'd have a talk with my friend and let him know what his dad did makes me extremely uncomfortable. Why would he blow it up? I think it MIGHT be different if his son was IN the photo, or even if you were romantically involved with his son, but to just blow up a pic of his SON's friend is strange, in my opinion. Where did he hang the picture? If he hung it in the office or in his bedroom...beware. If he put it in the family room or hallway I wouldn't worry as much. Just remember if this makes you uncomfortable not to send pics of yourself and/or friends to your aunt. Hope this helps you!

  24. I think that they just simply liked the picture.

  25. I think you are over reacting. If it was creepy he would have done it more privately than showing it to his wife. take it as a complement girl.

  26. ok yea that is a little creepie  

  27. i would get police

  28. ask him why he did it.. people arent allowed to take photos of you wihtout you pemission unless you are a public figure an put yourself out there... ask him.. i say

  29. yuor over reacting dont worry about it

  30. ♥

    Red flags are waving all over the place. There's a

    lot of ' creeps ' in the world. I agree with you, it

    sounds soo creepy. I'd feel uncomfortable about

    this, too. Tell your parents. Get them to get back

    that picture, and steer clear of him.  

  31. it would be different if it was a pic of just u. but if his daughter's in it then it's not quite as bad. still a bit creepy though

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