
I have a single clown loach?

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I'm worried about a single clown loach in my 90g tank. It schools with a group of 10 barbs and has various other fish in the tank with it, but I think I should add at least a couple of more loaches because I've read they do terribly on their own. Anyone with any experiences with these fish?




  1. Yes they love schooling!

    I have 2 in my tank about 5 inches long and they are FAT, but thats beyond the point. Friend of mine has 6 in his 120 gallon, and they like that alot.  

  2. Yes, your clown loach needs a few more loaches to school with, since they're social fish.

  3. I've never been able to keep just 1 or 2 clowns alive, but one day I bought 4.  They survived for a long time, until I had to sell the tank and everything in it.  They definitely prefer schooling with their own kind, and are a lot more fun to watch.

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