
I have a sister turning 13...Any gift ideas?

by Guest32663  |  earlier

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She's into science, nature, animals, games...computers. She's not a girly girl. No make up that sort of stuff. What are 13 year olds into?




  1. a camera... that works for everyone... no matter what kind of girl your working with... she can use her camera to take pictures of animals... or take pictures of things in the world she finds real interesting... and check them out when ever she wants... digitally of course... good luck...

  2. If you want to get her something original that won't cost you a lot of money, get her a "Grow-A-Frog" kit.

    My dad (a high school science teacher) got me one of these as a gift when I was a kid and I loved it.  Honestly, I had forgotten about it and didn't even know if it still existed, but when I saw science, nature and animals in your question, it sparked a memory and made me search for it, and sure enough, they have em on Amazon for 15 bucks.  Check it out.  Maybe she'll like it.

  3. i suggest giving her a day with big sis; make the whole day about her ; she picks the places you go ,what you do and where you eat it would be a nice way to get to know each other better.

  4. give her an I-touch (it's the lastest i-pod)'s awesomee..

  5. I'd say take her shopping and buy her what she wants or just give her money.

  6. my sisters 13 and she got herself a new videogame playing chair and one of those wierd light things that changes colors and when you touch it the light goes to your hand and she likes them alot

  7. Well, as far as I'm concerned, everyone likes gift certificates. Do some research into what stores she likes (talk to her friends, your parents, or even her if you're secretive about it) and then buy her a gift certificate.

    Hope she has a happy birthday,


  8. i would give her a great big stuffed animal that she likes and take to the zoo science places like a musem

  9. wii fit, video games, that kinda stuff

  10. a gift card to best buy (:

    they have all that electronic stuff there


    Here are a few ideas that are pretty cool , but please go to the website,everything is so cool here!!  There is is a whole category for ages 11-13.  Theres technology, nature, chemistry, physics, anything.  I also love science!

    Other ideas:

    Ask your zoo for an "adoption"  You adopt an animal at the zoo that you can see with a fee that provides care, and you get monthly updates and pictures of the animal.  

    Hiking trip to your local state park.  You can even camp overnight with a tent!  Go fishing, etc. This is perfect since it is summer now.

  12. omgee when i was 13 i was into alot of stuff. but my sugestion is to get her a computer game . like a horse computer game... walmart my friend will help you

  13. get her a ds game! its fun???

  14. If she has an ipod get her an itunes gift card!!

  15. a stuff animal is always good what is her favorite one.. and then take her to the zoo for the day..

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