
I have a situation where an ex-boyfriend from overseas is harassing me and my family in NY?

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I had visited this man for 2 months this summer in Australia, and he was upset about me going back to NY - along with hoping I would help him obtain status as a US Citizen. I broke it off with him, and he is now threatening me and my family. How do I proceed with this issue?




  1. There is not much he can do apart from verbally making threats.. He is not an US citizen.. He could only ever have tourist status.. I am sure you are safe from him.. and you cannot help him to get US citizen status.. you could have acted as a sponsor but it takes a lot more to be accepted to become an US citizen.. the only way he could come legally into the USA and stay there would be if he got a job offer in the USA then he would be there legally as long as his job contract with this US company lasts...otherwise there is no way for him to get in there unless he finds some female who marries him... then he has a right to stay in the USA... It took me and my husband 2 years to apply for Canadian citizenship... and we had to do a lot of paperwork and we had to bring 10.000 canadian dollars into the country upon immigration and he had to find work within the 3 month for which his visa lasted and Canada is part of the Commonwealth and my husband is British so it was easier for him to come into Canada .. same as it would be easier for an Australian to apply to immigrate to Canada as they too, are part of the Commonwealth but that has nothing to do with the USA.. we can only visit the USA for 3 months at most.. even as Canadian citizens...I would ignore him.. there is not much he can do from that far away as Australia...You can't phone the police unless he enters the USA and unless he turns up at your doorstep.. then of course get the police and a restraining order and he will be asked to leave the country.. even with a valid visa if he comes on a visit for 3 months to cause trouble.. but if he only makes those threats in the emails.. ignore him... xx

  2. i dont think you need advice from me or any one else. go on instinct tell the authorities, as soon as you can. you dont want a situation like this to get out of control.

  3. call police, get restraining order. If that does not work get a weapon because he will never leave you alone.

  4. He sounds like a frustated user report him to the authorities and let him know you have then ignore him completely tape the conversations and tell him later you have evidence  

  5. Not to down play the threats....but if he is in Australia and your in NY how bad could the threats be?  If you are really worried than you should record as much of the threats as possible (voice mail, email, etc) and bring them with you to the police and go from there.  

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