
I have a situation where my husband is being scammed by the same people who forced him into bankruptcy?

by  |  earlier

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A few years ago we lost everything, pretty much; house, office, retirement savings plan funds, ( rrsp's) etc. Over the time-spread of a decade my husband slowly gave away all our assets without my knowing about it. For awhile it seemed he had learned his lesson from this but now it is clear he is once again involved with the same people by giving them funds from his bank account. There also mysterious atm withdrawals. What action should I take? What are my rights? Should I be the one to inform police on these guys?




  1. Tell him stop contracts

  2. no one FORCES someone to declare bankruptcy.   i think you need to take a look at your husband.  if you aren't divorcing him, then you need to keep your money separate from his until he fixes things.

  3. You must really love this guy to stay with him.

    By all means, advise the police, but while they are investigating, don't let yourself be cleaned out.

    Maybe you should open an account in just your name, and have everything deposited there. Close all the joint accounts, or at least advise them not to accept any more charges. It's your turn to handle the finances for awhile.  Give him walking-around money, but ask him to account for it.  Pay all the bills according to the family budget, and be alert for any transactions you did not authorize.

    Good Luck!

  4. your man sounds like a dumb blond

  5. Yes go to the Police , your husband has no right to ruin your life along with his, in future make sure every asset is in joint names and can only be given up with the consent of both of you

  6. boy u got a dum husband there....sheesh!

  7. I would suggest separate banking accounts that he cannot access, or get rid of him. If he is being conned by illegal means speak with the police to see if they can do anything.

  8. Inform the police on this, your husband doesn't seem to have the common sense to do it.  Get a separate bank account and remove your assets ASAP.  You are in jeopardy of being scammed again.  If he asks why you are doing this tell him right out you are not going to let this happen to you again and hope he does the same.  Tell him you love him and this is your life as well as his and you should have a say in what is happening.  Let him know the police will be investigating this since you have informed them of the situation.  Are you sure your husband isn't involved in something illegal or has a gambling problem and is hiding this from you and that is why he is going back to these creeps.  It just sounds very fishy that after losing everything he goes back to them.

  9. I would call the police and tell them what is going on. They would tell you if it was illegal or not.

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