
I have a six and a half month old. I nurse. I've smoked weed three times since she's been born.

by Guest33367  |  earlier

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Just wondering if this little bit of smoke will affect her through nursing. She doesn't seem to react to it. I do feel like less milk is produced though.




  1. What a stupid thing to have done.  That is tantamount to child abuse.

  2. I don't think I'd risk it. If you're smoking with other people they could report you to cps and your child could be taken away :(  and you are risking her health for her your benefit. My suggestion is to stop smoking weed entirely for her well being.  

  3. I'm sorry but I don't think your for real because if you did do that you know you would not have that baby right now because all the doctors have to do is one test on you and the Baby and you can kiss you little one good buy.

    SO if you are doing that you just might want to stop and think with what your doing to your little one.  

    Oh and you also might want to think that it's not like it goes out of you body in a short time it take a good bit of time for it to be out of you and you should know if it's in you then chances are it's in your milk when your nursing her.

  4. well, i am not going to bash u for smoking pot; the way i see it is it is no different than having a drink or two when done responsibly; however, i don't know that i would do that while breastfeeding....and as u shouldn't be drunk when caring for baby, you also shouldn' t b e stoned out of your mind....and as for the moron that said you shouldn't be filling her lungs with this smoke, i would hope u don't do it around the baby just like parents who smoke don't do it around the baby.....if you do want to smoke, how about pumping enough ahead of time that you can feed baby for awhile after you smoke that you won't have to worry about it being in your milk? i don't know how long it stays in there....

    as for losing your baby for smoking...first of all, i wouldn't broadcast what you are doing, bc there are a lot of judgemental ppl that have never tried it and equate it with heroin or cocaine or something addictive like used in moderation, personally i think that is your business and no one else's as long as you are not abusing it, or taking care of your child while u r impaired....and if you use it only infrequently, it will not stay in your system very long, whereas if you use it everyday or something, it will stay a long time....i don't know if this helps or not, but be the best mom u can be and don't worry about the ignorance of ppl who think it is perfectly fine to drink when you aren't in charge of baby, but not smoke a little.....

  5. I hope you're not serious. That's pathetic.

  6. I've never smoked pot, so I don't know about it's affects. I do know about nursing.  There is probably only trace amounts in your milk.  I wouldn't worry about that.  I would worry about accidentally rolling over on her when you are stoned.  I would also worry about losing her to the State. I would be terrified about losing my child for a little pot.  Besides, you aren't exactly tight lipped about it.  I don't judge your smoking pot, but this isn't Amsterdam.  You can lose your child for this.

  7. why would you do that! you are very selfish.  

  8. that really is bad form.

    marajuana stays in your system for 28 days after just a single joint. So say you have one today then your baby will be getting it in their milk for the next four weeks.

    Dont do it anymore. WHo knows if you have already caused her damage?

    Put your child first.  

  9. It won't effect your daughter nearly as much as having a druggo for a mother will.

    Side note: Yes, of course you putting THC into your system can negatively effect your child.  Great job abusing your kid.

    Update: Anyone giving me thumbs down should feel free to explain to me (and everyone else for that matter) how using a drug that is fat soluble and is therefore released in breast milk isn't similar to drugging your child.  Grow up, this question isn't a referendum on the legality or morality of marijuana, it is, however, a referendum on the fact that introducing drugs into a child's body is reckless.

  10. didnt you hear about that baby that died because the mother had a lethal dose of meth in her system and breastfed her baby? she died rite in her crib next to her twin

    do you want that to happen to your baby?

    i dont understand how some ppl can be so selfish smoking weed drinking alcohol doing all sorts of c**p while pregnant or breastfeeding dont you know that even a lil bit is more harmful to your baby then it is to you? your babys system is not mature she is at risk for nething

  11. if you are serious go smoke another joint and kill a few more brain cell  them maybe someone will realize how UNFIT OF A PARENT YOU REALL ARE. If your daughter has learning or development problems in the future know It's YOUR FAULT

    There is one study that found an exposure to marijuana through mother's milk was associated with decreased motor development at one year. (Ashley & Little, 1990)

  12. Pot is detectable in your blood stream for a long time so I would suspect it would come through in your milk. How much - don't know. But in my humble opinion, any amount of drugs getting through to baby is too much.

  13. Oddly enough i came upon this website this morning - it had this to say about smoking pot and nursing:

    Withhold breastfeeding for several hours after occasional marijuana use and use caution to avoid exposing the infant to marijuana smoke.  Smoke outside the house or car. Smoke only after feeding.

    Make sure you pump and dump so you don't pass it onto your baby or lose your supply.

  14. I really hope you are not serious.  

  15. I wouldn't risk getting that c**p in her lungs! I thought that as a mother you are supposed to do what is best for your child. I guess not in your case!

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