
I have a six year old child, a girl who is short and thin, no illness, eats normal, why?

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I have a six year old child, a girl who is short and thin, no illness, eats normal, why?




  1. It is worrying. My son is 12 and is the shortest and thinnnest for his age group. private medical test say that he is ok. No hormone problem, blood is ok etc. The only thing I know is his bone age density is of an 8 year old.

    He is too thin, clothes dont fit him.

    Any advise anyone?

  2. I have always been short and thin and I atill am.......I t's nothing to worry about

  3. fast matablism dont worry

  4. hay if she eats fine then dont worry as for the short part maybe she takes after someone in your family maybe not from mother or father but a throw back from someone eles

  5. because every child matures differently.

    If she's healthy, doesnt get sick often, sleeps well, & eats well.. whats the problem?

  6. If she has been seen by your doctor and all is fine, then it's just her physical make-up.  All three of my kids are skinny and underweight for thier age and height (they are tall).. and so am I. But all are healthy and play multi-sports.  Your daugher will most likely catch up.

  7. I have a eight year old girl, that is 95% height and 40% weight

    The doctor says she is to light

    She eats normally, a lot sometimes

    It just the way she grows

    Short and thin is easier than Tall and thin.

    My daughter is a size 7 waist and a size 10 lenght

    Pants, Dress, shorts, are hard to get for someone with a tiny waist and long legs

  8. cause shes 6

  9. I have a three year old who is very tiny for her age.  She eats well, and my other child is larger than normal, so I know I feed them enough for good growth :D  My three year old grew normally the first six months, then she got rotovirus and had to be switched to soy formula, and after that it seemed like her growth really slowed down.  She's 33 inches tall and weighs 25 lbs.  She still wears 18 month clothes a lot of the time, and she's got such small hips and buns that it's hard to find pants that will stay up on her.  Lately, people are mistaking her for a much younger child, and it's heartbreaking to see how upset she gets.

    I've been reading about the causes of children being smaller than normal.  There can be be many different causes, ranging from hormone deficiency, to genetics, to disease or poor nutrition...basically, what I've read is that the child's doctor needs to have a series of tests done to determine the cause of the slow growth.  If the cause of slow growth is hormone deficiency, they can prescribe medication that will help.

  10. Genes play a huge role. Are you and\or the other parent thin? For example: My 5 year old daughter looks identical to me at that age, she is tall & skinny.

    My daughters pediatrician told me better thin than overweight.

  11. I have heard that kids who have had breathing problems as babies and were put on steroids have stunted growth.  My friend has a 5 yr old son who looks like a 3 yr old.  They dont know why either, only a guess as to the steroids.

  12. Have you ever thought that she has a fast metabolism

    Maybe try the link down there, it will tell you all about fast metabolisms, maybe it can help.

  13. She's just short and thin... just the way she is. She probably has  a fast metabolism or grows later. Perfectly normal.

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