My daughter was born at full term but a tiny 5p7oz, she was born alert and healthy. She was late crawling, crawled for 2 weeks then started RUNNING and climbing at 9 m. At three she was tested for learning difficulties as she always ran everywhere & never listened, was very loud, destructive with limited vocabulary - nothing found. She seen a speech therapist & had intensive speech therapy until she was four & half, she worked with a occupational therapist as she had a low threshold to vestibular stimulation & completed exercises every morning, she has now outgrown this. She also sees a behaviourial optometrist and wears glasses as her left eye takes longer to focus then the right (only for reading and writing) with exercises she should only need them for 2 years. She has also been disgonosed with mild auditory sensory delay. All of these things should NOT have any affect on her concentration levels according to the specialists involved. She is a VERY bright child. What can I do?