
I have a skunk under my house, what should i do? its sprayed a couple times and it smells through the floor.

by Guest66969  |  earlier

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I have a skunk under my house, what should i do? its sprayed a couple times and it smells through the floor.




  1. Take some old rags and some household ammonia, yep, plain old ammonia.  Soak the rags with the ammonia, stick under the house, even better in the "hole" the skunk goes in but do it all over so he/she doesn't just move to the other side.  Skunks do not like ammonia one little bit and will leave shortly.  As for the smell, only time will get rid of it unless you want to dig out all the dirt, sand down the wood, seal the wood and paint.........

  2. call the animal warden to get it out.  he will wear a mask and gloves.

  3. I used a Havaheart trap with cat food. I can't remember what flavor. I've caught two skunks. Just go over to the trap blocked by a blanket or piece of cardboard. Place the trap in a box so the skunk feels safe and can't see anything. Load the trap in your car and drive far away. Let the skunk lose.  

  4. Of the three answers already here, I totally agree with Karen H. Although you could dispose of this vermin yourself, Skunks are potential carriers of rabies and may be infected! The local animal control officers have the tools and the talent to handle this kind of situation. Why put yourself at risk?

  5. Put moth balls were the skunk was and build a block were the skunk keeps goin into

  6. try playing a radio under there and keep a light on.

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