
I have a sleeping problem and dont know what to do.?

by  |  earlier

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i have a sleeping problem, iv had it for about a year and a half, i am 15 and dont want to take sleeping pills... i stay awake thinking, i cant seem to stop thinking... i usually just lay in the bed untill around 4 in the morning when i finnaly go to sleep (if i even sleep) but i have to wake up at around 7 every morning for school. i toss and turn all night. iv tried listening to music, reading to help put me to sleep. i am taking medication for acid reflux but it dosnt have any side effects that make me not sleep.

no milk, dont like the taste of it.

i can live on about an hour of sleep but it makes my mind slower and hard to concentrate.

i need help. please?




  1. There is a replacement for sleep that will give you rest.  Praying to God has worked for me.  He will guide and bless you and you will feel as rested as if you were sleeping.

  2. have you tried drinking some chamomile tea before bed? sometimes that helps me to be sleepy. also try making your mind blank before bed. sounds like worrying is keeping you awake.  

  3. It sounds like you might be anxious about something and so thinking about it all night.  You need to either get to the bottom of whatever it is that you're thinking about all night so you don't have to think about it so much anymore, find something to take care of the anxiety itself, or find something to be a security blanket for you (something that comforts you...)

  4. Shh!

    Lay down.

    Pull the blanket over you comfortably.

    Close your eyes.

    Go to SLEEP!

  5. There are a lot of natural ways to help insomnia without taking pills.

    Valerian root tea, melatonin pills (you naturally have high levels of melatonin in your body when you're a baby- which is why babies sleep so much), kava.

    also you should try exercising vigorously during the day.

    i have the same problem sometimes - just can't turn my brain off to let me sleep!  

    also you should check out the site i where i get my insomnia info from.  there are links to various recipes with valerian, etc and posts from medical experts to help you sleep better.

  6. its very hard but you can train yourself but i am alot older then you i would suggest you seeing a doctor or therapits and get help they have all kinds of things to help you do this but doing it yourself you have to train  yourself and i am not sure you cna do it yet. i just turn things off and go to sleepnow. its hard to explina but you turn your mind off and dont' thin k of things or anything just rest and it works for me no wand then i may have nite that is bad but i can do it. take care.

  7. It sounds like you might need sleeping pills. But if you truly do not want them then try to concentrate on not thinking. My mom told me to do that once and I concentrated on not thinking so hard I finally got so tired I fell asleep.

    Try not eating apples or chocolate before bed or drinking anything with caffiene (coffee, soda, tea). Don't eat or drink those less than 3 hours before you go to bed.

  8. Try getting drunk.  That'll put you right to sleep.  It's never to early to start training for college.  

  9. The best things you can do are (1) exercise daily (at least 15 minutes, more is better, and not within two hours of going to bed), (2) get as much sun light during the day as possible (this is the best thing you can do as it regulates your body temperature which is the single most important factor in falling asleep/waking up, (3)  avoid nicotine, caffeine and alcohol, and try to reserve your bedroom for sleeping only.

  10. sleep

  11. Sleeping problems generally have to do with a secondary cause. So the big question is, what are you thinking about all night? Is it anxiety, are you nervous about something, is you school work, social life, or something else causing you problems? Rather then sleeping pills research ways to relax and deep breathing routines. You can also take a natural sleep aid called Melatonin. It's the naturally occurring hormone in the body that elicits the sleep response and it is non-habit forming. There are also over the counter sleep aids like Sominex, Nytol, or Unisom. These are also non-habit forming.

    However, if you truly want to sleep without the assistance of medication, then look into relaxation techniques.

  12. It's normal for teenagers to have erratic sleeping patterns. Some sleep too much, some don't get enough. I had the same problem, I just couldn't get to sleep at night, and it does cause a lot of stress.

    I also didn't want to go on sleeping tablets, but my doctor recommended trying a a natural sleeping tablet. Valerian is a herb that has a sedative effect. If you went to a health food store there are many brands of Valerian tablets. I found it had no side effects like prescribed sleeping tablets (which I have also tried), and they didn't leave you feeling awfully tired after waking up. I found after a few good nights sleep after using the natural tablets, I was into a habit of sleeping, so I probably only used them for a few days every now and then, now  I don't use them at all.

    I was also recommended a lot of things to try everyday such as no caffeine after 6, not using a computer or tv in the bedroom (especially within an hour of bedtime) and trying to make sure a regular bedtime and wake-up time. I found these also helped

  13. The best thing to do is talk to your family doctor.  If you don't want to do that then start writing things down that your thinking about.  I know that I have a very active mind and I find that If I write things down while I'm thinking about them it helps to quiet my mind.  Also i do puzzles like sudoku, and crosswords...nothing too difficult...your not trying to work your mind your just trying to focus it so that you can get some sleep.  Try to do some simple puzzles about an hour before bed time and see if that helps.

    Good luck

  14. Try a fan.  Also try

  15. Go see adoctor. Sounds like you might have some anxiety/mental issues (thats not as scary as it sounds, honestly) which might be stopping you from shutting off. Herbal remedies can also help. Take them an hour before lights out. Theyre not addictive or harmful in any way and you can get them from supermarkets or chemists. Dont eat/drink anything but water 2 hours before bed and dont read or watch tv in bed. Keep it just for sleeping. Also try having a set bedtime/waking up time and dont nap during the day. Make sure youre comfortable, not too hot/cold and dont give up!

  16. Anxiety causes that (even mild anxiety.)  Since you're avoiding the medicated route, I'd suggest a herbal remedy and increase your activity during the day (i.e. a sport). Google it.

    Try melatonin, a natural hormone sleep-aid.

  17. Why don't you want to take sleeping pills? I'd say that's probably the best option.

    Take a look at this website for other options:

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