
I have a small hole in my gums, right behind my last tooth on the bottom right (No wisdom teeth yet)?

by  |  earlier

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I noticed it while flossing, and I poked it and it's hard. It doesn't hurt at all, but I'm a little concerned.

Could it finally be my wisdom tooth coming in? I'm almost 18.

And the crappy thing is, if this is serious, then it adds on to my uncrowned tooth that broke off a little about a week ago after having a root canal six months ago. Ugh. And my dental insurance maxed out as well.




  1. maybe you just chipped it and didnt know

  2. it prob is your wisdom tooth. I had the same thing.

    My wisdom tooth has just broke through, only a little bit.

    My wisdom tooth has been there for about 6 months and hasn't caused me any trouble yet. Although i am get it taken out soon.

    Go to your dentist and let him/her check it out.

    You could prop get your crown then get the wisdom tooth removed. Or it may be fine there

    good luck!

  3. It could be a wisdom tooth. You could just keep an eye on it for a while and if it's not painful and doesn't get inflamed it will probably be OK.

  4. sadly it could be your wisdom tooth coming in

  5. I would say that you have properly identified what is in that hole...You no doubt have a wisdom tooth getting ready to make an appearance...Don't be surprised if the area doesn't begin to get somewhat sore...When a wisdom tooth pushes it's way through the gum tissue it usually creates a bit of shouldn't be bad, just a bit sore...Good luck and I wish you well.

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