
I have a small lump

by Guest55723  |  earlier

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..on the calf of my leg,it looks like a boil or a bite but its been there for quite a few weeks not painful but sore any one know whay it could be




  1. get it checked out at the docs..

  2. Go to the doctor it could be a cyst from infection or it could be a small fracture.  Small fractures don't hurt they are just really sore.  Needless to say go to the doctor.  It could be cancer.

  3. i have 6!! i am going doctors 2moro!

  4. get it checked, if its outward and not under the skin then im sure its nothing to worry about ok?

  5. More than likely its a gangeling cyst.

    Its not contageous, or your not in any danger, but, there are two things you can do...

    Go to the Doctor's offfice and he/she will insert a needle into it and drain out the fluid. (It may refill so dont be alarmed).

    Or, you can wait and sometimes they go up and down, no one knows why, but they do.

    Or, even as a third option, you can get it operated on and get it taken out.

    My Wife recently had one removed because it didnt go down for months and she finally got tired of it. It didnt take long to remove it, and she has a small scar.

    Now, it may be 'more' than a gangeling cyst, so I am advising you to go to the Doctor and get checked to just make sure, as with womens bodies, anything can go wrong and you women are a glorious piece of work, with all the internal things that the LORD did to make you unique :)

    May the LORD bless you.

    I wish you well...


  6. It could be a cyst, but any lump that has not been there before, should be checked out by a doctor.
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