
I have a small nest egg that I need to invest any ideas?

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I have a small nest egg that I need to invest any ideas?




  1. Index funds, especially if you dollar cost average.  You get the safety of diversification and can still get decent returns when the market swings back.  Now is a good time to buy in since the market down.

    Talk to a few different financial advisors before you make a decision.

  2. yes,  normally i don't mess with the stock market but lately i have been buying some penny stocks and been doing well.  remember you need to not just take my advice but do your own research about this!    open an etrade account( they are free to open).  and look for stocks you like .  penny stocks are cool because you can buy like a million shares for less that 1000 bucks.  with a million shares, everytime the stock goes up a tenth of a penny you will make 100 dollars! (sometimes they will jump 8 tenths of a penny two or three times in one day!  that is 800 dollars change in a million shares 3 times a day if you sell when they are up and buy when they are down again.  it takes time to be able to monitor them every couple of hours or so.  the key to this strategy is to have alot of shares.   ( at least a million)  i don't normally do this and i hope that you don't tell a bunch of people because this company is so small that if you and all of your freinds bought a bunch of shares in one day then it could actually drive up the price of the stock, and i am still waiting to buy more shares,  so   what i am about to tell you, keep to yourself!!!!!!!!!!        GRMU       those are the call letters for a company called grem usa.       I made over 4000 dollars last month buying and selling that stock in between   0.0004   -0.0017  dollars.      i was able to pick up 4,000,000 shares at 0.0004 for 1,600 dollars and sold those shares at 0.0017 once , then bought back cheap (0.0009) and sold at 0.0015 like 4 or 5 times in one week and made enough to pay off my wedding and reception that i had taken a loan out for ...  once again   do your own research before investing, but   I am not very stock saavy and did well with this so i think you could too!!!   good luck and remember   keep this one to yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  3. Two ideas... get the safety of a known monthly high dividend ( 16+ %) in a relatively " safe" area... PWE or HTE...Canadian energy trusts.

                     ....or invest in one or more potash companies.. AGU, POT or IPI... this fertilizer compound is and will be in demand as food/crop requirements keep growing around the world.  It is mined..can only be gotten to market so fast in constant demand, price increases constantly....

      Those companies...( or a combination of them and other ag products in the ETF : MOO ) could be a nice place for part of your investing also.

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