
I have a small pekingese dog and i cant keepthe fleas off .help me please

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i have tried sprays and shampoos and spot ons and sprayed the house and cleaned in bleach and washed everything in disenfectent i need help




  1. I just read up the other day on fleas in the house... a more none toxic approach is boric acid or borax.. it dries the fleas out, just sprinkle it on your carpets let it sit for a bit and then vacuum.  Make sure to throw out the sweeper bag or empty the canister and throw away the bag you emptied it into. i couldnt find the exact site i was looking at but i've added a link to a site with some other helpful hints.

    Giving the dog a garlic tablet each day helped me too.

  2. Try lye soap :)

  3. try advantage or Front line. My wife and I used it on her dog, we never in 11 years had fleas in the house.

  4. I have a Pom (had a Peke in the past) and I have found that the best for him is Advantage. I know it is not the most popular, but I had no luck with Frontline or the others. Advantage has been the ONLY one to work for me. The one catch is that you shouldn't put it on immediately after a bath. Wait about 2 days and then don't let her get in water for 2 days after applying. You can get a pill from the vet to kill flees immediately and keep her inside as much as possible until you can get the Advantage on her.

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