
I have a small piece of dust in my eye that hurts. it won't come out. HELP?

by  |  earlier

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i was reading when it started hurting.I tried blinking it, rubbing, wetting, and it hurts open and closed.

I really need help!

Should i just go to a doctor?

If so, what would they do to me?




  1. are you sure it's just dust?have someone blow in your eye and if that don't help and it gets too bad go to the ER

  2. Just irrigate it with some saline solution or water , alot. it will still feel irritated, especially if you scratched the cornea. If it still bothers you then go see a Doctor. They will look in your eye , probably irrigate it and perhaps give you some ointment for it.

  3. If it is acutally dust, I would just rinse your eye out with either eye drops or a saline solution. [Something like contact solution] I acutally don't recommend water since it doesn't have saline in it. If that doesn't work, I would just go to your local doctor or urgent care. It doesn't seem serious enough for a hospital.  

  4. just flush your eye a few times with some warm water, that will clean it out. if you have murine or other eye drops, try using those. that should do the trick.

  5. it might be a case of conjunctivitis. if the piece  of dust is actually visible,get a bowl of warm water and open ur eye in them for about 10 secs. do this  a few times every day.

    from ur description, I'm almost sure its conjunctivitis, get some visine. cleaning ur eyes with cotton wool dipped in salt or sugar solution relieves itching and helps prevent the infection from spreading to the other eye

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