
I have a small spot under my nipple, what is it?

by  |  earlier

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and its got swelling around it. all the docter said is that it would just go.




  1. Could be the start of a mole not uncommon and nothing to worry about.

    But if it is hurting in a few days i would go back to your doctor. All the best.

  2. either your doctor is **** or there is nothing wrong

    if your doctor didnt say what it was then he/she is a **** doctor and you need a new one

  3. Your best bet is to see another Dr. It could just be a benign cyst, but if it is painful for you it should be checked out. When I was younger, I felt the same thing. They did a biopsy and thank God it was not cancerous. I had to go through a minor surgery for them to remove it. But all was fine.  Better safe than sorry.

  4. a cyst maybe?

  5. I think its a 3rd Nipple.

    I have one too. :]

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