
I have a smelly German Shepherd?

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She smells so bad that my brother was almost sick. I bathe her, but she still smells after. And the next day shes back to the same smell

What can i do? She never used to stink when she was a puppy.

Is there like dog deodorant or something? Anything I can do?




  1. puppies never stink..bad.

    Wash him twice and maybe a groomer could do some deep cleaning where maybe you can't.

    Make sure all soap is off especailly under armpits and belly area. If he has bad breath and stinky ears..or a stinky ears may have  an infection in one of those places.

    Does he scratch and itch all the time and chew?  If yes  he now has an internal infection and just like the other sysmptoms..they need vet attention.

    NO corn in his dry food at all, try Canidea, or Nutro products or d**k Van Patten dry foods.

    Put a 1000 mg of fish oil in his food or hand it to him. My pup eats them like candy.

    They do have dog perfume but it barely works and irritates most dogs skin.

  2. I've had a lot of trouble like this with my dogs.  More than likely the bad odor is coming from a yeast infection (malaysia) that causes a very bad odor, and itching and scratching.It gets on the skin, around the privates, underbelly, ??armpits?? and groin?? area as well as in the ears (which can stink profusely.) Frequent bathing of the dog is unhealthy for the dog.  The ved determined the malaysia was caused by allergies (to flea bites, or to certain foods) and can be worsened by thyroid problems in the dog. He gives the dog Ketoconizole for the malaysia, antibiotics (cephalexin) and thyroid medicine, as well as a skin ointment. These taken as directed, will clear up the itching, scratching, infection,and practically eliminate the foul odor, as well as control the thyroid problem.  This may not be what it is, but the presence of the bad odor convinces me it's probably malaysia. Share this particular concern with your Vet ASAP.

  3. I agree with the previous answers, there is something going on with your dog. Either she has a bacterial skin infection, ear infection, dental disease, anal sac problem--something.  She may be allergic to her food.  Don't just try to cover it up, find out what's causing it-take her to the vet.  Good luck.

  4. Well there are quite a few reasons that your dog is smelly but one may br a skunk or civicat they both smell about the same. but the problem may be internal as well like her anal glads may need to be released or that she has an open injury that is infected but the thing with injuries is that you would probably know if they had an injury because her temper would change and she would become more aggressive. Another reason for a foul odor is if she is unfixed she may be in heat but i doubt it.

    Yes they do have shampoos and perfumes for smells but your best bet would be to go to a groomer or your vet to find out why it is happening.

  5. dose she have fly's around her if yes then u need fly spray and than give her a bath {same thing with my dog i now eww right}

  6. Have her teeth checked

  7. My Jack Russell smells really bad too. Yeah i bathe him and he just goes back to stinking the next day. Its disgusting. he didnt smell when he was a puppy either.  You can get products from animal stores like dog perfume, conditioner, scented bath stuff,  powder etc. but I'm not sure if it makes much difference because I have never tried it.

    I think what makes them smell is cos they have like fur instead of wool (some dogs e.g poodles have wool so they dont smell.).

    Maybe as you said it could be from her anal glands idk. If it gets worse you should take her back to the vet and see what they say about it.

    I find that dogs smell more when they are wet so might be a good idea to keep her dry.

  8. There can be different reasons - she is sick, she needs her anal glands emptied, or the food you feed isn't right for her.  Your best bet is to take her to the vet - a bad odor is  a clue that something is not right with your dog.  Instead of trying to cover the odor, find the reason why!

  9. That is really weird, because german shepherds are known not to smell like other breeds, such as labs and such.

    There could be something wrong with her. She may have a wound that has become infected, and you just don't notice it. Infections smell HORRIBLE. Honestly, I would take her to the vet.

    Petsmart sells sprays that you can spray on your dog, they smell pretty good.

    EDIT: If she has had problems with her anal glands, I would almost gurantee that that is it. You probably need to have them emptied

  10. First I'd go and check in with a vet. The smell might be some kind of skin condition that could be cleared up with a prescription.

    If that's not the case, I would try a shampoo that is made for dogs with sensitive skin. Also there is doggy cologne to mask smells. I personally have not used it, so i'm not sure how well it works.

    I do know that dogs should not smell THAT bad all the time, I would seriously consider taking her to the vet first.

    Good luck!!

  11. Everyone here has already said what I would say.  I've also noticed that the GS at my work get pretty smelly because they play in the pool all day and their fur is wet for at least 3 hours out of the day.  If you don't dry your pooch off after it gets wet, then a funk can occur.  

    But if this offensive smell returns right after you bathed your dog (the next day), then there might be some underlying health issues and you should consult your veterinarian.

    By the way, there are dog sprays and colognes...but like I said, tell your vet what's up and see what they have to say on the matter.

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