
I have a snake missing in my house where should i look? the snake is an albino python?

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WE also have two cats, how long would it take for the cats to get to the snkae>




  1. check in all your closets it might be in there that happened to my aunt and they found it in their closet......... good luck!

  2. well if your snake is big enough I think the snake would eat the cats. Well to answer your question you should look around heated places small c**p places because snakes like to feel secure. you should also keep your eye on your cats because the snake will get them and if it could eat your cats it can last a long time without food because the cat would be a big meal for it.

  3. Start from where it went missing a look EVERYWHERE working your way out. Most snakes are found within a few feet of where they went missing from. When we say "everywhere" that means everywhere. Even look inside of balled up socks (assuming it's not a 10' python that is), shirt pockets, undersides of drawers, etc, etc, etc, etc

    I'd be sure to lock the cats out of the room the snake is kept in. Actually you'd probably be wise to lock the cats in a bathroom or something while you look for the snake.

  4. lock the cats in the bathroom after you search EVERYWHERE in there. do you also have vents? i would sugest finding a shop that sold live snake traps around you and baiting it. it might be the best way to do it. just make sure he aint in no vents.

  5. Your best bet would be in the couch or reclining chairs, they can wiggle into almost anything and both of those are great hiding spots..

  6. Look up in closets,high places under stuff in stuff,warm places,dark places,basically every were you can think of.

    Good Luck

    P.S.-If one of your cats goes missing I'm very sorry.

  7. WOW! well first, i'll look under things. if it's not there, look between things, and if u still can't find it let the cats do the work. If the cats don't find it, the snake is gone!

  8. check any dark warm places that are usally never disturbed. it will probably be closer to the cage depending on how long ago it got out

  9. Start with the hot side of the house, he will migrate there, he will coil vertically behind dressers, boxes, furniture of any kind to absorb the heat from the wall, start there, and don't press anything up against the wall, he could be there, I would also check behind the kitchen sink if that wall get's sun, he could be in the cabinets. Good luck

  10. Hello; I am very sorry to hear about your snake. :(

    Look for dark, enclosed areas. They are often in warm locations, but the times I have lost my snakes; I have found them in 'cool' spots as well. Try looking under furniture, near TVs and electrical equipment, under rugs, near stoves, water heaters, or refrigerators, in/under cabinets, etc.

    However; these guys turn up in some of the quirkiest places, so don't leave any stone unturned, so to speak. For example: I found mine under the piano once, my friend found hers in the rim of her toilet, another friend found his in a potted plant, another friend found hers in a chair under a pile of laundry, and my cousin found hers on a book shelf.

    Also; you said you have cats? If so; pay VERY close attention to their behavior until you find your snake. If you see them acting strangely, making interested, high pitched chirping noises, or are seemingly fascinated with something that you can't see, run over there and check to see if they found your snake. I found my Kingsnake that way when he got out; luckily I got to him before one of my cats did.

    One thing to keep in mind is that snakes (boas and pythons in particular) can stay alive indoors for weeks; months even. It isn't too uncommon for someone to lose their snake and find it six months later; so if you can't find your snake immediately, please don't give up hope. :)

    I hope this helps, and if you have any further questions at all on the subject; please feel free to message me and I will be more than happy to assist you. And for what it's worth; I sincerely hope you find your python. :)

    Good luck!

  11. look everywhere

  12. Look any where warm, say behind a book shelft that is pushed up against a heat vent, or somewhere it can hide in direct sunlight. Look around your pumbing and anywhere dark. I don't think your cats will be able to get it if they find it since your snake is probably in a small nook or cranny. Watch your cats though, they will probaby lead you right to her.

  13. one tip would be to turn off the lights in a room and use a flashlight to reflect the eyes. also look under anything that is more then an inch off the ground. also look behind anything that is more then an inch from the wall.

    you could aslo try to get a black light to try to see the white snake in the dark room. just remember anything else that is white will also be reflected :)

  14. Warm dark places. Albino creatures have a natural disliking for too much sunlight. They are especially susceptible to it and will probably try to avoid it.Try to think like a python.

  15. Oh my gosh.  You have a constrictor loose in your house with predatory animals roaming it.  Put the cats out if you don't want them to disappear, too.  It's only a matter of time before a snake or cat goes missing for good.  Keep towels under doors and check your vents.  They love lounging inside of furniture, so be careful to look everywhere.  Keep an eye out for corners and heated places, like if you have a plugged-in game console inside a drawer or box-they'll be looking for heat.

  16. Try

    I'm pretty sure there's a sticky thread about finding a missing snake

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