
I have a solar 12 volt system in my house. can I plug the output of my inverter into a outlet in the house?

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Im looking to put power back into the grid and spin my meeter backwards will this work




  1. Inverters don`t work backwards, you would need a step up transformer at the very least.

  2. No. That would be to dangerous.

  3. NO, absolutely not. You are thinking in terms as if the grid voltage is DC.

    Your inverter needs to be phased to match the grid.

    Remember AC voltage is push-pull, it goes from negative 120 volts to positive 120volts 60 times a second (60hz).

    If your inverter happens to be 180 degrees out of phase with the grid power when you plug it in, you would have a 240 volt dead short across your inverter and it would blow up in a micro second. (the grid being at -120 and you at +120 at that micro moment in time for 240v. differential)  

    Of course special, expensive, and more complicated inverters to do this are available.

    And power companies are very particular about anybody messing with their system. For example, if they turn off the power to the grid your inverter must shut down or you would be trying to power the whole grid and that would be like a dead short, also burning out your unit.

    Or if somebody was working on the lines you could electrocute them since they turned their power off, the line should be dead.

    There are many things wrong with your jury rigged idea beside being illegal.

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